Quest: Service and A&S Project

Arts and Sciences Project 

All candidates on all paths should prepare and present an Arts or Sciences project at a Baronial event, an A&S Competition, or A&S body-of-work event. Project should include creation of an artifact or research paper, method and process documentation, and historical source and context reference. Stretch goal: formally presenting project or teaching on A&S subject matter. 

Baronial Service Project 

All candidates on all paths should identify and complete a Baronial service project during their Quest. Project should be a service engagement that the Candidate would not already have done in the normal course of their year (i.e., Baronial Marshal acting as event MIC). Stretch goal: conduct a short lessons-learned team session after the project and send a summary to the Captains, Coronets, and relevant branch officer(s). 

Setup and Teardown of Baronial Property 

Madrone needs assistance from its Sergeants and Candidates in setting up and tearing down Baronial property at events. Pavilions, list fields, court, tables, seating, equestrian arenas, archery ranges – it takes a lot to set up, and many hands make light work. Candidates should participate in setup and teardown of Baronial property at at least one event during their quest.