Quest – Candidate Intent

Letter of Intent 

A minimum of one month prior to starting the Quest, each Candidate must notify a Coronet of their intentions to attempt the Quest. This notification can be via modern letter or e-mail, and the notification must include any concerns or impediments the Candidate may have. 


Each Candidate must submit a personally scripted and illuminated petition, in a hand appropriate to their persona, requesting permission to participate in the trials. This petition must be submitted during Baronial court.

While it is required that the applicant letter their own petition, no advantage will be given for the quality of the document beyond that it must be legible and must be written in a medieval or renaissance hand. The petition should include: 

  • The names of the Coronets being petitioned.
  • The sergeantry path under consideration.
  • The name of the submitting candidate and date of the petition.

Resume or An Tir Wiki Page 

Candidates must prepare and submit an SCA resume and/or an An Tir Wiki biography page prior to completing their Quest. 

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