Barunin Gera at Rogue’s Tavern, Madrone’s anual winter event. Photo: Viscountess Kerij-eAt the event called Athenaeum, artists and artisans show their work.Medieval food is great!Decor for the stable at an equestrian-centered eventEquestrian Guild hosts activities for equestriansProcession pageantryHeavy fighters practice war formations in the park, July 2024. Photo by Duchess AngharadArmored Combat pageantryLearning by making – figuring out how to make chimney bread. Photo: Viscountess Kerij-eViscountess Kerij-e, Madrone’s Equestrian Champion 2019-2023, rides at Emprise of the Black Lion 2024. Photo: Barunin GeraThe King and Queen bestow awards to people who help make the Dream. Photo: Michael ToddHeavy armored combat at Lionhearts Tourney, May 4, 2024. Photo: Michael ToddAn Tir’s King and Queen view gifts made by Madrone people that the Crown can re-gift to show appreciation.Vikings and fighters at the Odin’s Fest demo for Swedish Club.Rapier combat at a winter event. Photo: Michael ToddPlaying games and socializing. Photo: Kerij-eMusicians play for dancing at Rogue’s Tavern event. Photo: Barunin GeraArmored Combat inside the fighting field. Photo: Greta GrunwaldArchers at practice. Photo: Greta GrunwaldCooking over an open fire in clay pots.
All photos are by Rowenna de Manning unless credited otherwise.