Awards are the way we recognize and reward our populace for all the ways that they participate in and contribute to our Barony and in our Society. Click on any of the links to learn more about the awards and to see past recipients.
Service Awards
Green Leaf
Red Branch
Mantle of Madrone
Martial Awards
Etoile – “a star”
Gwraidd (pronounced “Graith”)
Canton Awards
Other Awards
Poisson d’Or
Madrone College of Pages Award
Light of St. Bunstable (College of St. Bunstable)
Arts & Sciences Awards
Tsveti Madrone:
- Gold for Culinary Arts
- Pink for Costuming
- Red for Paper Arts and Calligraphy
- Blue for Crafts
- Green for Sciences
- Purple for Performance Arts
- Aqua for Study of Performance Arts
- Yellow for Textile Arts
- White for Research
- Clear for Persona Development
- Pearl for Hospitality
- Black for Equestrian Arts
- Jasper for Pagentry
Your recommendations are essential to see our populace rewarded for doing good work. You don’t have to hold any position in particular to make recommendations, as all suggestions from the populace are meaningful. Click below to e-mail to the Baron and Baroness with specific information about someone who is worthy of recognition.