Current Sergeants

Current Sergeants of Madrone

These gentles are in direct fealty to the Coronets of Madrone after participating in a unique quest of skill and knowledge to  achieve the ranks shown. Click here to learn more about sergeantry.

Courtier Basilius Fuchs (Captain)
Yeoman Arianna d’Ounay Yeoman Arianna d’Ounay
Lancer Rignach of Argyll Lancer Rignach of Argyll
Gallant Katryne MacKim (Current Captain)  Gallant and Courtier Katryne MacKim
Serjeant Karel der Ermutigender Sergeant Karrel der Ermutigender
Courtier Margaret Palmer
Gallant Mecia Reposa
Yeoman Simon Fisc
Steward Muirghein of Bristol
Sergeant Nicklaß Volkhart

Click here for past sergeants of Madrone.