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For information on how to participate, please join the Madrone Equestrian Guild Facebook group or send email to the Guildhead.
The Madrone Equestrian Guild members number among some of the most skilled riders in the Known World, as well as some of the most enthusiastic. The Guild has promoted equestrian activities by holding monthly gaming practices, clinics, and organizing and enabling equestrian activities at SCA events.
Attending a MEG (Madrone Equestrian Guild) meeting is a great way to get to know some of the SCA equestrians in the greater Madrone area. Everyone with an interest in SCA equestrian activities is invited and welcome. You do not have to consider Madrone your “home” branch. When meetings take place in person, they will probably be held on the third or fourth Thursday of every month at 7 p.m at Macky’s Dim Sum Restaurant in Issaquah.
Guild Practices are held in a private barn in Maple Valley monthly on an irregular schedule due to events. Follow the Madrone Equestrian Guild Facebook group for details and announcements.
A horse is not required to participate.
The Madrone Equestrian Guild is famous throughout the Known World for their premier event which takes place in August or September each year: The Emprise of the Black Lion
Annisa Gabrielli, Guildhead
Equestrian Guild Website