The Barony of Madrone is the local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. (SCA) Madrone is a Barony of the Kingdom of An Tir in the area modernly known as Seattle and northern King County, in Washington state. The Eastside of this area is known as the Canton of Porte de l’Eau, a sub-branch of Madrone.
What’s This Site About?
The SCA is devoted to the research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat, culture, and employing knowledge of history to enrich the lives of participants through events, demonstrations, and other educational presentations and activities.
For more information about the SCA and the Barony of Madrone, see our Welcome Page, or contact our Châtelaine (Orientation Specialist).
Madrone News
News from Rogue’s Tavern Baronial Court
At the event Rogue’s Tavern held on February 8, Barunin Gera welcomed Muirghein of Bristol and Nicklaß Volkhart to her Sergeantry upon completing their trials. Barunin Gera accepted their oaths of fealty in court and commended them to the people of Madrone.
Please welcome and support two new Baronial Champions. Bear Farwander has been recognized by our Coronets as Arts & Sciences Champion for this year, and Gaston de Clermont has been recognized as Bardic Champion for this year. These gentles will “champion” their subject areas, to encourage participation and skill among Madronans.
Lord Simon Fisc was recognized for long service to the Canton of Porte de l’Eau with the award of the Porte Chalice, which is given just once each year.
Exchequer (Treasurer)
The Exchequer is seeking a deputy to understudy this required position and become the next Exchequer. Training is available. Please contact the current Exchequer, Mistress Etiennette, to inquire about the office.
Revised Draft of Barony of Madrone Policies and Traditions is Available for Review
Your Barun and Barunin, Seneschale, Exchequer officer, and others have done the detail work of reviewing and bringing the required document “Madrone Policies and Traditions” up to current standards and aligned with Kingdom Law. You can take a look! If you have any comments, please email the Seneschale!
Please Support Your Barony with a Gift
Please support the functioning of our amazing Barony. The heavy combat and rapier participants rely on rental of the KapKa School (which we also use for Socials and Dance Practice), there are equipment repairs and equipment replacement. Please make a gift via PayPal or send a check. Click here. Thank you!

Canton of Porte de l’Eau
The Barony includes a subgroup known as a Canton, called Porte de l’Eau. The Canton is on the east side of Lake Washington and folks in Kirkland, Redmond, and Bellevue sponsor activities enjoyed by SCA participants in the region.
Our Barony has the wonderful and benevolent leadership of Barunin Gera Gangolffin and Barun Christopher MacEveny. Madronans can contact the Barun and Barunin with questions, feedback, and suggestions. It is our duty as Madronans to take note of accomplishments of our fellow Madronans and to recommend those who do service for an award.

Baronial Progress – Our Baron and Baroness travel to events throughout the kingdom of An Tir. See which events they plan to attend and plan to see them there!
Upcoming Baronial Events & Activities
Every Monday: Heavy and Rapier Fighter Practice
First & Third Mondays: Baronial Social/Practical Class
First Wednesday: Culinary Guild Business Meeting (virtual)
First Thursday and Third Monday: Dance Practice
Second Wednesday: Scribal Night
Third Tuesday: Porte de l’Eau Business Meeting (virtual)
Fourth Tuesday: Barony of Madrone Business Meeting known as Curia (virtual)
May 31, 2025: Lionhearts in the Park: Martial Championships
Baronial Calendar of Activities
Subscribe to our Baronial Calendar of Activities and find out how to join virtual and in-person local activities.
For information on virtual activities, contact the Seneschal or check the Baronial calendar, or announcements here in the News column and on the Barony’s Facebook page.
Baronial Curia (planning/business meeting) is taking place via web videoconferencing until further notice.
The notes of the Curia meeting are available for public viewing.
Serve as a Baronial Officer – Help Your Barony Thrive!
The Barony is run by volunteers who consent to serve for a period of time, usually two years, as one of the Baronial officers. Service can be based on interest and skills. Training is available. Serving the Barony is a wonderful opportunity to meet people and enhance your skills. Check out the open positions.
Contact the Barun and Barunin and the Baronial Seneschal if you are interested in volunteering for one of these positions. Click on the links to learn more about these opportunities.
THE SCA PROHIBITS HARASSMENT AND BULLYING OF ALL INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS. Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions. If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman. Click here to read more.
This is the official website for the Barony of Madrone of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA) and is maintained by the Webminister who may be contacted at madrone.webster (at)
This site may contain non-authoritative copies of some SCA policy documents; to be sure you are viewing the complete and current version, consult or the originating office directly.
This site may include links to external pages which are not maintained by the SCA; such links do not represent an endorsement, and the SCA is not responsible for the content of those pages.
Copyright ©2016-2025 The Barony of Madrone. Please respect the rights of our contributors, who retain copyright to certain portions of this site. For permission to use photographs, articles, or artwork from this site, contact the Webminister.