Barony of Madrone Financial Committee Meeting Q1 2015
Date: February 2, 2015
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Third Place Books, Lake Forest, WA
In attendance:
Baron Stefan of Pembroke/Sean Thomas Bjers
Baroness Emmelina de Coventry/Emily Selbo
Exchequer HL Lianor Pereira DoValle/Carol Magalhaes
Seneschal Lady Gera Gangolffin/Jeri Sisco
Mistress Genevieve Marie Etienette de Montagne/Stephanie Ray Solum HL Christopher Edward Hawkins/Mike Solum
HL Sarra the Brave/Sara McPhail
HL Ysolt Tayler/Tayla Sablerose
Lady Sarah Pixie/Sarah Maiser
1. Review quarterly reports
Total gross income for 2014: $24,954.54
Total Expenses for 2014: $26,622.72
Loss: $1,668.18
Etienette: Make sure to subtract depreciation, will make loss $400 less
Lianor: Event income is less profit sharing for crown w/ Kingdom and
Vulkanfeldt, Emprise with Wyewood
Stefan – what is equipment rental and site fee for. (Lianor:
portapotties and dumpsters)
Alternate view of 2014, based on annual income/expenses only,
per Julian Sinclair on FB in December:
o Approved Budgetary Spending for 2014: $7,466
o Actual Budgetary Spending YTD: $3,388.32
o NET Income from Events: $4,548.47
o Net profit based on the above: $1,160.15
o Note that $3,000 of the event income came from May Crown. If
we had not hosted that event we would have lost ~ $1,800
Stefan: we need to be solvent solely upon income/outgo, not based
upon Microsoft money or other donations
Sarah P – Can we use other financial reporting formats?
Etienette – These are the ones required by SCA, although we can
create other reports for our own use.
Etienette – Estimated $2200 profit for 2014
Stefan – but this is due to May Crown
• Group is good with budget and balance numbers with adjustments discussed
2. YAC proposal (Sarah Pixie)
$232 for one time expenditure for starter/loaner gear
Six shields/swords, 10 boffer swords
Lianor: is demand there?
Sarah P, Stefan: yes, players are going to AQ and WYE to play
Financial committee – approves. As an over-$100 decision, this will go
to Curia for secondary discussion and final approval.
3. Baronial pavilion
• Sizing
o Question as to sizing of pavilion (20×30). Is this the right size?
Consensus is yes.
o Storage size is an issue. Canvas will take up double the space.
Poles made by Master Edward are substantial and also space
o Is there room in baronial storage? Yes.
o How do we transport? Stefan can transport, he has trailer. He
expressed concern as to what happens when they are no
longer BandB and/or cannot transport pavilion?
o Suggestion: Poles and pavilion can be transported separately.
• Madrone’s pavilion has always had a distinctive look and we’d like to continue that.
o Color, shape, banners, etc. Stefan much prefers rectangular over oval for additional space.
o Panther paints their canvas, so it’s super heavy and not breathable, takes up double the space
o Can’t get different colored dags from Panther but we can paint them ourselves
• Pricing:
o For specific pricing, Lianor will get and record quotes,
including Panther poles rather than Edward’s because of size o How are we paying for it?
! Option 1: Buy outright from baronial funds
! Option 2: Buy outright then fundraise to offset cost
! Option 3: Fundraise first, then buy when funds are
o Consensus was for option 2, as waiting on option 3 would miss
tourney season for this year. This will go back to curia for discussion.
4. Comping instructors at Baronial A&S
Request made to comp event fees ($10 ea) for instructors at A&S: Duke Stefan of Bellatrix, Master Ugo Serrano, Jarl Styrkarr Jarlskald
o Stefan: these instructors will be attracting significant numbers of attendees so comping their event fee is good business
o Consensus is to approve
Request made to reimburse feast fee for above instructors at A&S
o We do not comp feast fees as it is a direct cost to the culinary guild
o We also cannot reimburse feast fees (or any other event fees) from baronial funds
o Feast fees can be sponsored by an individual
o Stefan and Emmelina will be sponsoring their feast fees
• The fighting class on Sunday, organized by Sir Rauokinn, is not an
official baronial event
o Fee for participation is $20/fighter
o Rauokinn has covered the cost of Duke Stefan’s plane fare and
will use fees to cover that cost
o All other class funds will be donated to the Barony
• Financial committee unanimously approves these three measures
5. Facility proposal
From FB, Sir Raoukinn and Sir Vilius are interested renting and assuming financial responsibility for a facility in which SCA activities can take place.
Stefan: They would then rent this to us and to other organizations for practices, meetings, project nights
Lianor, Stefan: We need to ensure that they are aware we cannot cover costs as a Barony
Etienette: We don’t want Rauokinn and Vilius to get hurt if this doesn’t see anticipated use. Any such would be both location sensitive and BandB leadership sensitive
The exploratory group on this initiative is not an official baronial committee, but rather Sir Rauokinn and Sir Vilius looking at options, and using a few folks from the barony as a sounding board
Related: Maria/Natasha is facilitating discussion related to gym and classroom facility availability for fight practice PLUS A&S at the place she teaches. This discussion is taking place on Seattle Fight Group.
6. Check requests
$192 to reimburse Gera for PO Box annual fee
$XX for event cash box money for Iacobo
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.