• Athenaeum Artisan’s Fair – received budget from Minister of Arts Aeron Corrino for use of Scottish Rite Hall (other avenues did not pan out):
-1400$ for site (as per usual), 50$ for insurance, and 150$ for incidentals. Total 1600$.
-At $20/head, 80 people is the break even
-Capping pre-reg ( which will be required to attend) at 170 so we should see a profit
– Budget approved as written.
• 2021 – the Barony ended the year only $2,649.08 in the red. Given the pandemic etc, that’s not too bad.
• 2022 so far – As of Feb 28, the Barony is $1,317.17 in the black. Yay!
-we’ve spent $750 for Kapka so far
– $240 paid for the PO Box
– $131.40 paid for web hosting.
-We discuss the WordPress add-on ($80/year) and agree to keep it for another year.
-Storage Locker payment will be due around May
-No officers have used their budgets yet this year.
• Raging Rogue Tavern/Lionhearts Martial and Bardic Championships – should submit reimbursement request for site deposit.
-needs to submit a check request for Gate seed money well in advance.