Curia Notes February 28, 2023

Words from Their Excellencies – Barunin Gera Gangolffin and Barun Christopher MacEveny

• They attended Kingdom A&S/Rapier.  They are planning to attend Rogues Tavern this weekend, then Baronesses War, Lionhearts & May Crown.

• Baronial Pavillion – it was damaged at June-faire last year.  Paid $300 to repair a torn gromet corner.  At Emprise, another corner popped & 2 more are on the edge, also the ridge pole snapped & poked a hole in the center so the costs of ongoing repairs are starting to approach the cost of a new pavilion, and this one seems not worth continuing to repair.  We are looking at replacing it with a Panther pavilion with heavier canvas.  It will be slightly smaller to keep the carrying weight manageable.  Our current pavilion is 34×30, the  new one would be 24×20.   We will need to replace the uprights & ridgepole as well. 

• Sergeantry – lots of folks are getting close to finishing their Sergeantry quests.  There will be a ceremony at Tavern & more at Lionhearts.  Anyone who is interested in Sergeantry please reach out to Kate, Basilius or the B&B.

• Changing over Bardic championship this weekend.  Hoping to find a replacement for Gareth who has served for three years now! 

• Socials – the Baroness believes that it’s very important to the health of the barony to provide a casual regular no-cost place to gather.  Currently socials are on the  1st & 3rd Mondays at Kapka.  Attendance is generally low regardless of if there is a class or just a hang out social.  She is asking everyone to look for other potential sites.  They need to be free, ADA accessible, on transit lines & fairly central, as well as open until 9pm.  Bonus – with seating & table space big enough for working on projects

Also considering alternate locations and nights

Going to trial the Crossroads Bellevue foodcourt.
Would also like to find a place for longer format weekend afternoon classes. Maybe a Madronan lives in a condo with a club room?  Trying to avoid actually being in someone’s home.  Libraries would actually be an option for weekend activities.  (They close too early for weeknights)

Words from Seneschal – Ynesen Ongge Xong Kerij-e

We now have a QR code & donate button on the website to more easily accept donations since nobody carries $ anymore.  $ will go towards practice, scribal equipment, po box, everything…

• Kerij-e took Seneschal training on dealing with SCA emergencies (taught by the Baroness)

• Kerij-e is looking for a succession deputy.  There’s lots of training available out there.

• Chateleine is looking for a replacement too.  Person who greets newcomer,
• Likewise the Chronicler.
• We need a new Branch scribe now!!!

[Baroness suggests a “meet your officers” social]

• Working on a spreadsheet of past events to help future event stewards.

• Remember that we have an email list & website, neither of which has the vagaries of FB.  The Website is almost always the most up to date information (other than last second changes)

• We need social sites & social ideas to help build community.

Words from the Porte de L’eau Seneschal – Margaret Palmer

• March 25th event coming up, Sven’s Follies  – battle croquet, potluck & games, fun Saturday.
At St Andrews Lutheran Church in Bellevue.  Same site as 2019.  Craft a crazy wicket for the wicket contest!

• They are also planning an event bid for Kingdom Heraldic in the Fall. Same site  Date Oct 7th.  Classes & fun. 

Baronial Officers

Exchequer  – Etiennette de Montagne

[bank balances were reported as usual. Per SCA policy they are not published here, but available by request to any member.]
• Had a financial committee mtg a few weeks ago, reviewed last years financials & reviewed 2023 budget.  Discussed where we are financially as a group – very much in need of donations!  The ongoing expenses even during lockdown, etc have eaten into our savings. 
• We are also talking about spending some big money.  Pavillion – approx. $4000 . Propose to purchase now using savings in hopes to have it by May Crown, and then do fundraising secondarily. Approved once at Fin Committee, this is 2nd discussion – approved by the officers present. If you have fundraising ideas please contact Etienette.  New pavilion should last a long time – last one was too light canvas
• If you would like to help support cost of renting the Lionhearts site please contact Aeron.  We agreed last month to keep it off the books.


A&S – Aeron Corrino

Unable to attend, sent in report.  Our Instagram account only has low resolution photos & not great tourney photos on website.  Let’s try to get some good pics this spring to improve that.

Chatelaine – Tabytha Morgan
Nothing much locally.

      Gold Key – Isentrude von Osten

Chamberlain – Enzio Bandinelli
   No report  

Herald – Simon Fisc

   In January sergeantry candidates participated in a heraldic trivia night.  Will do Heraldry this weekend at the Tavern.

Armored Combat – Nicklaß Volkhart

  No report.

Rapier Marshal – Temetgen de Worde

 No problems, crazy turnout!

Scribe –Kate MacKim

  No report.  Need a new scribe ASAP!!!.  Doing monthly scribal night. 

Social Mediator – Basilius Fuchs

  Added 9 people to FB group.  Made a tictok acct, but doesn’t know how to use it yet.  Could use someone with experience to help with that.

Webster – Rowenna de Manning

  No Webster report.

Chronicler – Eden of Lionsguard
  Stepping down.   Need a replacement – easy job for newer person


Sergeantry – Basilius Fuchs and Emma la rousse d’Argentan 

  Busy – new candidates stepping up.  Several about to finish.

Culinary Guild – Ysolt Tayler of Windhill

   (Eden reporting, but with technical difficulties) – Peasants will happen – more from Bergdis

Dance – Ranulf Mirthe/Trahaern ap Ieuan

   Dance continues

Equestrian – Anissa Gabrielli

    Still trying to get going again

Events and Socials

Baronial Socials

Next themed Social will be March 20th “Meet the Guilds and Interest Groups of the Barony”

Rogue Tavern – March 4th – Raphael

  The site says they still haven’t gotten our paperwork.  Setup starts at 10
All required jobs staffed, but lots of volunteers would be welcome.  Rapier outside. Beef & Barley soup (Vegeterian option available.)
Low key, casual fun.  Food Beer, dance, games, etc.
B&B will hold court.  Will be brief but entertaining. 
Looking for someone to run it next year.

Lionhearts Martial Championships – May 6th Barun Kit

   Will be at Crossroads park in Bellevue.  At the Big shelter in the SW corner of the park. 10-4.  Rapier & heavy tournament.  Margaret is coordinating A&S.  She’ll start planning after Tavern.  Kit will get a FB event page up soon.  The Baroness will grill sausages for people. 

 Athenaeum  – June 24 – Spike

   Report. Entrance for participants opens in 4 weeks.  Announcement made at A&S.  Planning going well

Peasants Revel – July 8 – Culinary Guild
   Bergdis volunteered to be the event steward – will be similar to past events but scaled back a little, not doing some of the close contact games.  Still discussing if there will be a meal. Cost is zero because free site.  More details to come.  First proposal to Curia approved.

Harvest Dinner – Oct 29
   Need an event steward and a site if we’re going to make this happen.  If you can think of people who might be interested in taking on something like this please talk to them about the idea.  We can provide support, mentors etc. if they are new to it.
