Curia Notes June 2018

Madrone Baronial Curia Notes
July 26, 2018

Welcome from the Baron and Baroness and progress notes. They will attend:
Peasants Revel (their country cousins)
July Crown

We have this space for 1.5 hrs
Now limited to hour at KapKa for social
Limited to leaving by 9pm in gym
Still need Youth Armored Combat marshal
Still need transport for baronial pavilion to July Coronation
Autocrat’s handbook would be a good idea. Sarra the Brave is working on one.
Toivo mentioned that the known world dance symposium bid was withdrawn and we could bid
on that.
Finding site that is affordable for April 2019
Need attendance, space requirements, budget

Ck $8703.26
MM $15152.99
Event set up as ‘private’ on Crossroads Mall announcement board? Should be public.
Closing out Events

Fall City Days
Horses, 30 volunteers 50 handouts all taken, culinary guild handouts all taken
Would like to do it again next year
We came in second in the parade without even knowing there was a competition

Madrone Championships Demo
~115 demo/inquiry. Track inquiries? Possibly a clicker for attendance next year.
Checklist for demos should include print flyers, cards, sign
Chatelaine packet for demos?
No money spent or earned.
One injury – taken care of by marshal
Gate? If it’s a championship, should be an event with SCA participants signing in.
Demo would not require gate. In the future, if it’s a championship, we need gate.
Gera will submit the gate info we did collect.
Amplified music permit? Not worried because it’s summer employees.

Peasants Revel/July 14, Bastille Day
Wear peasant garb
Bring $5 and bowl/spoon
Insurance and biffies ordered, Crier copy submitted.
We need heralds & artisans
Equestrian pre-reg is live, and 4 th equestrian Judge Master Eula
Paypal pre-reg is imminent
Baronial Banquet
Menu is set
We have decorations
Working on schedule
Dirty half dozen largesse challenge
Event moved to old cafeteria as layout would be easier and community gathering
Queen is coming, TRHs, P/P Tir Righ
Overflow community gathering space
Request reimbursement for additional gathering space after we see profit margin
Break-even of 131 people?
Encourage people to use common space, and it will be used for court
Use south lot
Projecting 200-250 people
Gate – six comps
Next year – new ideas, incorporating PayPal
Food – so much back and forth about food, we had to omit that.
Ensure you bring your own food. Tons of restaurants – it’s in Northgate.
Artists need to be self-supporting re: food and breaks.
Fire marshal limits for room?
Gold key will be available


PDL – Kit is ill
Picnic in the Park – Luau w/ Sven w shave ice
Byzantine picnic
Moving meeting

Dance –
Traehearn’s practice plus Madrone practice

Equestrians –
Horses at parade
Jousting practice last month, as well as dance stuff
No practice in June

Culinary –
Meeting moved up to this week b/c 4 th July
Peasants soon, reconstructions for Banquet
Guild will have a display at Athenaeum

Armored combat –
Park across the street from Kapka
5 new fighters, some from demo, others from website
Sir Payne moving and won’t be at practice any longer
Discretionary fund for loaner armor. 1-donations, 2-purchase, 3-purchase
Nick will build sets but need to find armor
Juana – supporting fight community will help build a positive relationship

Activity updates, email updates, officers on email.

Continue to see new people

Flyers awesome
Remove B&B from chatelaine email