Barony of Madrone Curia April 24, 2018
Baronial Welcome (B&B)
Hi. Not much news. The Baroness went to Baroness’ war, one of 9 Baronesses. Wind blew down old host barony tent. Had good largesse exchange. Short trip due to weather. We had one heavy fighter, and a few other Madronans. “We were mighty in spirit.” – as per Baron. Neighbors enthusiastic for Athaneum. Getting ready for May Crown. Summer schedule looking very busy.
Seneschal Welcome and Report (Eden)
• Communicate better please – Please tell others than those in your subgroup. Ask questions if someone may have not communicated well, or if you missed the occasion of discussion.
- Dates booked out through 2020 for many of our events – June 2020 is tricky, but other dates sent to calendar. We may discuss possible conflict with Archery Fest, Aquaterra
- BOD soliciting input on Hate Speech Policy. – Read it and reply if you care
Also change to Mission Statement proposed. Please review if interested, and comment.
Discussion – BOD is considering opening to cultures outside Europe
- June Faire June 2nd wants a Gate Team, willing to donate $$ to the Barony as a thank you. – Our June is very busy, so we don’t have the bandwith. General agreement.
Exchequer Report (Emma)
• Bank balances – Checking $10082.42 & Money Market $15141.62
4/3 Financial Committee meeting, notes out soon. Report to kingdom sent. Sara getting transfer of info in anticipation of her taking the job. Signatures discussed. Gera asked for A&S/Bardic insurance higher than normal, approved at Financial Committee, needs second approval here. We approve.
Business Items:
- How do people feel about this 4th Monday schedule?
3rd Monday Socials, are they worth having given up our space for?
- This Curia location is only through May. Juana got us the FREE Community Center Room at Crossroads (near Old Navy, holds 30) for the rest of the year if we want it (we need it for sure for June, July, August)
IF we are willing to pay for the convenience of the central location we could probably re-commence at Mercer (3 months at a time) in September. Space reported to be very cosy, but it is free. Discussion of location and site. Group generally can get there. Officers specifically. Decision punted to June when we can see how we fit at Crossroads, but Free is very appealing & consensus is that driving there will be about the same effort for most folks in attendance. (but it was a light night0
Close out • A&S Madelena – Insurance was included.
Approved to Reimburse Gera for Insurance $$
- 6/9 Fall City Days Demo – Kerij-e not present.
- 6/16/18 Madrone Champions Bid (Juana) No new information.
- 6/30 Atheneum Bid (Alianora) – Site is hard to get ahold of. Space is reserved, but some rental policies may change, so contract may not be final until May 10. Took measurements, so they will have a floor plan for layout. There will be Bardic presentations, so deciding on locations for those. They will let us serve food. Mary Grace may make chili to serve. CRIER copy was sent in. Waiting for confirmation of receipt of that.
- 7/14 Peasants Revel – Sarra is Event Steward. Same Bat Channel. Baroness encourages all to invite non-SCA friends since that is a low-barrier first event. Baroness may need a cheese-buying deputy. Good to have the Baronial Chatelaine there, or other person good at talking to outsiders. Gera proposes printing a set of chatelaine business cards for the event. Make that a Baronial Chatelaine expense. Bergdis has old designs to start from. Sarra will organize that.
[ FYI 7/30 PdL event ]
- 9/29 Emprise 2018 Bid: (Gera) – Planning meeting happened. Planning a site visit, possibly a Thursday or other weeknight. They need Judge-wranglers, special judge. Event Décor is Madalena. Sarra is Gate. We want to do Paypal for pre-reg, if we have the staff. The site has WiFi, so it is possible. Possibly have limited PayPal Gate hours. Have lists covered. Need water-bearer. Lots of A&S ideas. Pageantry, Pageantry, Pageantry, Pageantry. Need to make sure that those providing artistry do not have to fund it. Working on reservations for cabins, and possibly for pavilions. May serve some of all meals. Lady Magera is interested, will talk more after May Crown. Anissa will coordinate PR. Need a scheduling coordinator. Site will close at 5, nothing scheduled after 3. Looking to incorporate rapier, brainstorming with Marshalls for combination of Safety and pageantry. Looking for a morning coffee truck. Want to mirror Madrone website for Equestrian Guild site. Looking for Heraldic Baronial tabards for field heraldry. Simon likes baldrics more than tabards. They may make some. Maybe stamped? Discussion of heraldic philosophy. Event wants to have limited use of paper site copy, but have sign boards and town cry. Bergdis volunteered to make maps.
- 11/3 Baronial Banquet 2018: (Anne-Mary) ) NEED EIF – Meeting happened to plan food. Date is reserved with hall. Need a deposit check. We are on the calendar. There is a spreadsheet for a budget proposal. This is considered a second proposal, with budget. Budget same as last year, when we did make some money, but not lots. Curia approves of advance deposit payment. Final event budget will be re-proposed. Food is 1646 French, Varenne. Spike asks that décor be earlier than 1646 (not as baroness). Some discussion will continue on how the décor will work, as the guild has planned some food décor based on the food date. Discussion of the amount of deposit. $300 is refundable. $200 is not, is advance on hall, but date could be moved within that same deposit. Discussion of whether Paypal will let us break out fees. Pre-reg will be only for site with feast. Site-fee with no feast can be paid onsite. $30 proposed for combined feast/site fee. Discussion of how the NMS applies. We will check with the experts offline. Paypal costs 2%, so consider that in budgeting.
Canton of Porte de l’Eau (9/18)(Tayla for HL Christopher Hawkins) – meeting last night. Discussing 7/28 event: Sven’s Byzantine Luau. Byzantine picnic lunch may be available. Battle croquet, costuming contest. Event copy soon. PdL did a lucet stuff at a social. More A&S socials upcoming.
Reports from Guilds, Officers, Subgroups Guilds: (mesntion schedules
Culinary (Mistress Ysolt of Wind Hill) – Next meeting next Wednesday, at Etienette’s. Good planning session for Banquet. Planning more
Dance (HL Ranulf/Toivo) Ongoing: 2nd Mondays – Still dancing, lots at last social
Equestrian (Master Guillaume) – All jousting in Texas
Arts & Sciences (6/17) (HE Aeron Corrino) – Nothing new to report. None-the-less Aeron writes the best event reports. Baroness would like to be cc’d
Armored Combat Marshal (7/18) (Sir Athos Belisarios) Fighting every Monday
Chamberlain (4/19) (Baron Steven Desjardin) Changed to combination lock
Chatelaine (12/17) (Helewisa) – Getting into new job
Chronicler (8/18) (Lord Nicklaβ Volkheart) – Fleshing out event pages for upcoming events. Send him interesting things for publication on website of Facebook
Herald (3/19)(Lord Simon Fisc) – No new registrations.
Branch & Rapier Marshal (7/18) (Gallant Katryne MacKim)
Scribe (7/18) (HL Madelena al Vieri) – 3rd Wednesday paint night was very well attended, and created ongoing enthusiasm.
Webster (Gera) – Rowenna is a deputy. They are looking at Madrone history and other back info. Moving to An Tir site so we don’t have to pay for it. Looking for photos of people in public requires no personal release, but need photographer grant-of-use. Setting up a library on Dropbox. We get announcements from other branches.
Our policy is that we limit to 2 announcements per non-Madrone events on the Madrone Facebook page. Further info should go on the event page. We would prefer other branches not post activities that conflict with our prescheduled activities. Such announcements may be deleted with a friendly note of explanation to the poster.