Words from their Excellencies: thank you all for cooperating with the new Covid restrictions.
Words from the Seneschale:
There have been two indoor practices back at Kapka. If you are practicing outside you still need to sign in. The school is providing a few beds to homeless people on the other side of the premises, we should not have much contact. The Board of Directors now allows kingdoms to require Covid vaccination/negative test. An Tir has opted in due to Canada and King County requiring this. SCA restrictions are slightly more stringent than the King County regulations in that the SCA allows us to require ID to prove that the vaccine proof belongs to the person showing it. Clause in the SCA rules says that if anyone resists the rule, we can bounce them from the event. Wealdsmere recently had a positive case at practice and activities are suspended for 10 days.
If we have a positive case at a practice, KapKa said they will not charge us for rental but may charge us for cleaning. New contract includes rental of upstairs cafe space every week, but we should not use that space until Kerij-e has more information about the overnight Homeless shelter that is housed in the church area.
Do we want to hold an in-person social soon? May need to limit attendance. It is suggested to arrange a poll and request for comments distributed on social media and email. This would not take place until after the vaccination requirement is clarified by State of Washington.
If there is a live feed of Fall Crown on October 9-10, there may be a watch party organized.
Officers who need successors or who need to renew warrants: chatelaine, chamberlaine, chronicler, webminister.
Port de L’Eau – Margaret: Online meetings continue.
Officer Reports
Exchequer – Etienette: No activity in the last month, the check from Wyewood has been deposited. About to have a new Kingdom Exchequer.
A&S – Aeron: nothing to report
Chatelaine -Tabytha: A few people joined the FB group, some have asked for clarification about the Covid announcement – generally very supportive and are more likely to attend 12th Night due to precautions. Will add FAQ to FB groups. Needs a successor.
Chamberlain – Stephen: Nothing to report. Needs a successor. Need to inventory storage unit before handoff to successor.
Herald – Simon: nothing to report.
Adult Armored Combat – Nicklaß: Practice is back at Kapka. Had a minor Covid scare but was negative and contact protocols did not have to be implemented. Have had 2 new fighters. Were able to provide loaner gear.
Rapier combat – Temetgen: new people, no injuries.
Social media – Basilius: added people to the FB group. Forwarded many missives from kingdom regarding Fall Crown and BOD/kingdom COVID rulings.
Website – Rowenna: added a security certificate to the website at no cost. Indicated she is willing to continue as webminister.
Chronicler – Mecia: nothing to report. Looking for a successor.
Culinary Guild – Isolt: Back to virtual meetings. Still can’t do cooking in person, so watching and discussing food history videos.
Dance: the Seneschale says dance reported two recent practices were held. For future socials, they may need to use pre-recorded music due to COVID.
Equestrian: the Seneschale says equestrian reported no recent practices.
12th Night 2022 – Spike: King County vaccine mandate will be in effect, has been approved by Kingdom and BoD. Will not need to hold a Crown tournament, just Coronation. Can proceed with making site tokens. Need a way to be certain that we can verify that attendees have actually gone through gate. Inadvisable to block printed disposable masks: if anything penetrates the entire mask it will effect the filtration. Still need decor volunteers. Part of the merchant area may be set up as a garb-swap.
Tavern Night February 2022 – Rapheal: the proposed budget has a youth fee, previously we have not charged gate fee for minors, so Rapheal removes it. Site has been reserved for the same cost as last time. The site now has space to hold combat if anyone wants to coordinate it. Food availability would be dependent on kingdom/county rules. Attendees will be able to bring their own food, self-serve food may be allowed. There will be a fire in the firepit outside. What happens if it snows? Rapheal volunteers to cover the site fee if we have to cancel and are still charged. Bid accepted!
Athenaeum 2022: Charles and Alianora have expressed interest in running it as an in-person event. Seneschale Kerij-e will reach out.
Miscellaneous Business
Donation button on the website: Society has approved a branch-level donation option, this is now being worked on by Kingdom exchequer.