Curia Minutes March 2021

Words from Their Excellencies: we are happy to see the Barony continue to work on putting on amazing virtual events. We had planned to step down at Atheneum 2021, due to Covid we will stay on until we can have in-person events. This would include moving the polling out. Our 6 year term would be up in Sept 2022, we had intended to step down sooner than that. Waiting to hear from the Crown. If you feel the change-over should occur sooner please let the Seneschal know.

Officer Reports

Seneschal: from Corporate SCA office: there are changes in how to order insurance for in-person events. No new info about when we may open up in-person events.

Port d’Leau: Curia and socials happening online

Exchequer: [redacted] checking
[redacted] money market
Website IP security payment check will get the second signature soon
Storage unit payment due soon
need to schedule financial committee meeting – maybe right before or after Curia? Schedule for immediately after April Curia

A & S: Atheneum

Chamberlaine: no report

Chatelaine: nothing to report

Gold key: nothing to report

Armored combat: As more people get vaccinated we have more people wanting to have unofficial practices; Crown says NO PRACTICES until June so DO NOT use SCA identifiers if you hold a practice. DO NOT wear regalia at practices until the Crown opens it up. Will start reaching out to Kapka School when we have a better idea when we can practice.

Social media: Three people added to the FB page. Athenaeum announcements posted. Has access to the Athenaeum event page.

Webminister: posting updates as the calendar and event descriptions change.

Chronicler: nothing to report

Culinary Guild: continuing to do monthly socials and video discussion nights. Ready to do something for Peasants’ Revel if that occurs.

Event discussions

Monthly baronial social was held on March 14: Tea with the Baroness. Any interest for this month? Drinks with the Baron!

Athenaeum: The event steward reports: 70 presenters registered, 12 are Laurels. Half of the presenters are new to Athenaeum!!! Will have classes on how to do online presentations. Had a project brainstorming session last night. Pages will be ready to upload starting May 1. Their Majesties are currently not planning to record a court for the event but will let us know for sure by 2 months prior. Her Majesty has said she is excited to see the exhibits. Madrone B & B planning to have a court. We have a wait-list for presenting – will continue to accept requests for waitlist up to 75 people.

Peasants’ Revel: Culinary Guild waiting to hear, they feel they can do this on short notice. Cheese rolling is a go. Drop-dead will be 1 Aug because we can put it off.

Emprise: probably need at least 4 months’ notice to plan, many people who would be working on Emprise are currently working on Atheneum. If Emprise is up in the air will cancel and focus on Sept Crown.

October 30 date the Barony has on the calendar: It is decided not to do banquet. Alternate idea is may do a Zoom dinner. TBD.

12th Night 2022: Hotel was “booked” – additional rooms have been released as of today. Some rooms have been booked by out-of-kingdom people. Staff is mostly full. Looking for a decor coordinator and salon director. Site token theme is “connections” – could use more people helping cast tokens. We have sufficient staff to hold a Crown tournament if needed. 12th Night will be 40 years since An Tir was declared a Kingdom.

Donate button on the baronial website: society policy is being rewritten to allow this. Ok to have donation buttons for specific events.