Words from Their Excellencies : we remain intensely grateful that our barony is continuing to be careful regarding the pandemic.
Words from the Seneschal:
Reminder about Covid sign-in and other guidance: as of yesterday, WA state requires masks for all indoor gatherings and recommended for large outdoor gatherings.
Change to insurance request : must have insurance 30 days prior to event or be charged a late fee.
Reminder to check activities/events for cancellations.
Status of KapKa school and practices/socials and when to restart: Had planned to start Sept 5. Enzio: rapier fighters are reluctant to go back inside but we are facing waning light. The homeless person who spends time near our preferred fight space outside seems unhappy to have us there past sunset. Kerij-e: Marxa (of KapKa) is ok with us being uncertain what we want to do in Sept. Maybe we could use Kapka for bathroom and gear storage but fight outside until dusk? Temetgen: most fencers are happy about the mask mandate, not a lot of options for fighting as we lose light. Nicholas: heavy fighters seem happy to fight outdoors as long as it is feasible, will look for another park that has outdoor lighting. Earlier start time worked well but in a few weeks it will still get dark too early. Perhaps split heavy and rapier in the short term. Bergdis: Kapka has very little air flow which is a concern. Eden: given what is going on with Delta, should we even be gathering? Isolt: the fighting community wants to continue meeting, but we need to make a clear decision on a baronial level whether this is a good idea. Reminder that the SCA does NOT allow branches to require greater Covid restrictions than what mundane authorities have mandated. Unless we stop official activities altogether. Aeron: individual choices for one’s own health effect other people, an official baronial position would be good. Outside people may show up and bring extra variables. Nicholas: motion put forward to vote on whether we, at this time, should cancel in-person activities. No 13 Yes 5 We will continue in-person activities.
Reminder of open and soon to be re-warranted offices : chamberlain, webminister, chronicler, herald, chatelaine.
Officer Reports
Exchequer – Étiennette (11/22) 12th Night deposit check has not yet cleared. Financial meeting rescheduled for September.
A&S – Aeron (6/21) nothing to report
Chatelaine – Tabytha (10/22) a couple of people joined the FB page, have been emailing conversations. There is a lack of costuming/fiber arts presence on the FB page which is an obstacle for new people. Most recent people have been more interested in crafts than fighting.
Chamberlain – Steven (seeking successor) nothing has changed.
Herald – Simon (11/21) nothing to report.
Armor Combat – Nicklaus (9/22) practices on Mondays as previously discussed. Starting at 6pm seemed popular. We have had a few new fighters, working on the loaner kits.
Rapier Marshal – Temetgen (6/22) practice on Mondays as previously discussed.
Scribe – Madelena (end of B/B tenure)
Social Media – Basilius (6/22) Five people added to FB page. Has been sharing event cancellations.
Website – Rowenna (11/21) Nothing to report.
Chronicler – Mecia (11/21) nothing to report. Eden: We are required to have a published newsletter.
YAC – no officer
Porte de L’Eau – Margaret: a blue glass goblet was found at Sven’s Luau, does anyone claim it?
Culinary Guild – Isolt: the Guild met in person outdoors in August, will meet in Sept, then virtually in Oct. Cooking activities not currently allowed by kingdom.
Dance – Ranulf: no practice held
Equestrian – Annisa: no practice held
Monthly Social Zoom – not held
In-person outdoor social – not held
October Social – cancelled
12th Night January 2022 – Spike: Did a walk-through and met with event coordinators. Looked at which rooms can have open doors for cross ventilation. Hilton will NOT require vaccines. 12th Night 2023 has been contracted in Eugene so pushing this out again is not an option. Discussed cutting down on rooms. Crown MUST transfer by the end of this coming January. It is highly likely that the event will hold a Crown tournament and coronation. If the merchant room is not very full we may hold a garb swap. Still need a decor coordinator, hope to hold mask competitions. The restaurant is currently open.
Tavern Night February 2022 – Rapheal: a second discussion is held. Tabled until next month for decision.
Miscellaneous Business
Zoom account for Barony – Kerij-e: no information.
Information on Donation buttons for website – Margaret: no information.