Curia minutes April 2020

Curia April 28 2020

Baron & Baroness: Thank you to all volunteers for all the hard work they’re still putting in.

Seneschal: Kapka has us cancelled through Mid May. Fall City: Cancelled Athenaeum: Cancelled Peasants Revel: Hoping it can happen. Event is flexible.

Emprise: Crown will be there, discussing what business can be done there. How many will attend? Hard to gauge

12th Night 2021: Will we need to do a crown tourney? Not registering merchants yet to avoid having to do refunds later.

Port d’Leau: Friday online socials have good attendance. Hoping to do indoor croquet again in Nov.

Culinary guild: working on recipe redactions together online. What is the status of work for kingdom feast? Virtual meetings are being held

Equestrian: No meeting this month, will reschedule for upcoming week. The mundane government is allowing equestrian activities but the kingdom does not at this time. Looking into doing non-SCA trail rides. We may be able to get a partial refund on our insurance.

Heavy: nothing to report

rapier: July Coronation autocrat asked Madrone to run rapier for the event. We have an applicant for branch marshal.

Chamberlain: nothing to report

Scribal: continuing on an individual level

Social media: Gera has had to step away

Web minister: Will reroute the chatelaine email to Tabytha

A and S: nothing to report

SCA heralds are doing a video, contact them for details