Curia Minutes May 2019

Distribution of the truffles

Greetings from their excellencies

May crown was fun! Pravilion preformed well.

Congratulations to Madalana, Worthy wordsmith!

Margret Palmer- AOA

Postponing baronial customary, checking against new kingdom law.

New harassment policy update from kingdom as well.

Not going to bid on may crown 2020.

Baronial confidence polling scheduled for July the 8th, 2019 at the baronial social. Should have options for absentee polling

June social will have a making food fight tools event, as well as a round table on social media.

Please support events as best you can without burning out

Woman’s choir event went well. Small, but fun event.

Fall city days: June 8th!
Fun event, street fair with a parade. Bedroom community to seattle, great source of for new members. Please attend if you can help with the booth or walk the parade. Please bring banners and other decorations. Armor and fiber arts are always good draws at the booth.

Lionhearts: June 15th!
Bellevue city park. Come to do demos! Tournament will run in alternating fights between rapiers and heavy.  Be sure to share info with your friends. Update parking guidelines. Bring wagons to cart stuff in!

So many measurements! Have 80 signups. Food is all set up and sounds great. Starting in on a booklet with information of those displaying. Will have paypal on site. Need volenteers on Friday for tables and gate, as well as taking down tables afterwards. “Come to the largest gathering of artisans in An Tir!”
please pre-reg for the lunch.

Peasent’s Revel July 13th!
40th revel! One of the longest ongoing events in the kingdom. Please bring your best stories from revels past. There will be cheese rolling.

Emprise: Sept 27th!
On the kingdom calender. There will be food on site. Should have an updated site contract soon. Seeking gate coordinator. Paypal on site might be iffy, may not work on site. 

No event this summer. Will have an event Nov 2nd.

Not doing the same events for A&S?
Next spring will be baronial banquet, need event steward.
Tri-baronial Yule? Possibly with Aquaterra. Does someone want to host/event steward?


MM: 20,222
Savings 4,727.89


Dance: Ongoing

Culinary: getting to the end of project list. Lunch for events over the summer, planning on next banquet, revisiting something done before. July coronation will have a picnic basket fundraiser.

Equestrian: New elections. Had two practices this month! Will have a display at athenaeum. Will have a kid’s joust at lionhearts. At an tir west, order of the rose/ kingdom equestrian sponsoring a pledge tourney for RAIN.

A&S: Nothing new beyond previously discussed

Heavy combat continues, new fighters

Chamberlin: stuff is still in the shed. Discussion about how to handle cash box at upcoming events.

Accessibility: How to be more welcoming to brand new members to the SCA.

Social Media. No witchcraft noted.

Chronicler: Flyer mocked up, sending in to discuss

Herald: Questions about awards: some are not registered. Need expenditure to submit awards for approval. Expenditure approved by discussion.

Rapier: Continues. Had a visiting group on Monday, lots of swishy poky fun.

Scribe: Continues.

Webster: small cosmetic changes to website. New header uploaded!

Archery: Possible combined practice with Wyewood?