Curia Minutes 2017-02

Barony of Madrone

Curia Minutes

February 13, 2017

Call to Order: 7:10pm


Baronial Welcome (Baron Enzio Bandinelli)

  • Big event this weekend where we will be choosing our A&S and Bardic Champions
  • Last weekend went to Feast of St. Bubba in Wyewood. Went very well.
  • Ursulmas happened, and it was neat!
  • Niklaus was awarded an AoA, as well as Joanna de Washington was also awarded an AoA. HE Steven was awarded the Green Bear from the Baron and Baroness of Aquaterra.


Seneschal Welcome and Report (HL Gera Gangolffin)

  • A lot of our focus is going into May Crown at this time.
  • Officer positions accepting applications; will be posting job descriptions. Please send any interested folks to Their Excellencies or to the Seneschal for more information.
    • Chatelaine
    • Webster
    • Thrown Weapons Marshal
    • Family Activities Coordinator
    • Chamberlain


Exchequer Report (HL Emma la Rousse de la Argentan)

Checking:                   $   5,077.32

Money Market:         $ 15,062.87


End of year report was submitted timely, electronically. Final report signed today for submission to Kingdom.


Equestrian Guild had a redirected donation (volunteer matching through Microsoft) of $2500, thus creating them solvent.


Business Items:



Close out


In Process

  • 2/18/2018: Baronial A&S (HL Karrel)
    • We have Arts & Sciences this weekend. Tonight is you LAST CHANCE to make a reservation for dinner!!! No reservation is required to enter the event; Gate will be open to all.
    • There will be dancing, there will be arts, there will be sciences, lots to look at!
    • Emmanuel Lutheran Church, copy is out.
    • Food: Mistress Etienette gives us some information about the feast! German, pork roast with three different sauces, stewed pears for dessert, Ruzige Cake (yummy cheesy bread with herbs and such). Largely gluten free, the only thing that has gluten is the Ruzige (but there is a gluten free version coming, so speak up ahead of time!).


  • 4/1/2017: Baronial Banquet (HL Luaithrend)


We are less than two months from Baronial Banquet and all is well. Our Gate Head is in place. At this time approximately 30% of the seats have been reserved. Marketing is happening and we expect that the lion’s share of the seats will be sold by mid-March. Emma and Lianor are working on classes. Several teachers have expressed interested and I think we have two (potentially three) absolutely “confirmed” classes at this time. We hope to have a list available very soon. We are working with Dame Madrun on offering Ithra credit for the classes. Cesare is getting ready for the Speed Chess Tournament, which will happen in the afternoon in the small hall (upstairs). The guild is busily working and will be able to devote their full attention to finalizing the menu once A&S has passed. All seems to be moving forward as planned at this time.


Culinary Guild requests that people do come cook with them! It’s fun!!


  • 5/19-21/17: May Crown 2017 (Baron Stephen des Jardin, HL Gera Gangolffin)
    • Meeting last night, talked with most of the department heads/leads. Good meeting. More meetings coming.
    • Schedule is being worked out by Mistress Althaia
    • Volunteer coordinator will be publishing a request for volunteers (gate, waterbearing, town cry, etc.).
    • If Madrone is going to have a camp site, we need to work on that. Camping space is VERY tight, so it’s first come/first served for camping. Sara Pixie is in charge of land reservations.



  • 9/22-24/2018: Emprise of the Black Lion (Baroness Alianora Greymoor)
    • Site contract and site reservation form and insurance certificate and the deposit have all been sent to the site
    • Advertising schedule is under construction (taking advertisement cards to Gulf Wars)
    • Spoke to potential judges at 12th Night (adding judges for the Pas de Armes as well as the equestrian).


  • Peasant’s Revel: need to get that on the calendar. Will come back next month with a date.



Nothing at this time


Appendix: Reports from Guilds, Officers, Subgroups


Culinary (Mistress Ysolt of Wind Hill)

  • Might be doing prep cooking on Thursday; stay tuned on that
  • Cook with us. We are happy! We are fun!
  • Need dish washers as well!

Dance (HL Ranulf)

Buona notte!


Recurring events:

Tuesdays: Camp Fromage Party Band rehearsal

Fridays: Dance lessons/revel hosted by Dame Judith de Northumbria, DuPont, WA


Jan 13-15

12th Night, Wyewood

Friday Jan 13th:

Dance teaching and Masked Ball

Dance instructors:

Maestra Sara de Bonneville (Wyewood)

Master Trahern ap Iauen (Madrone)

Dame Judith (? Dupont, WA)

Possibly ~30-40 dancers


Jorunn Aslaksdottir (Wyewood) recorder

Lady Antonia di Galicia (Dragonslaire?) viola da gamba, recorder

Mistress Elizabeth Piper (Glymm Mere?) recorder

Mistress Elanor (Glymm Mere?) Tambourine

Ludovica (Glymm Mere?) recorder, drum

Marcello Fornarius (?) Cello

Master Jason the Seolfor-Tongued (Aquaterra) guitar, recorder

HL Emma Larousse d’Argentan (Madrone) recorder

HL Matilda Stoyle (Madrone) trombone, recorder

HL Padreig McAlpen (Madrone) viola da gamba, fiddle, bagpipes, drum

HL Ranulf Mirthe (Madrone) recorder

(Jorunn of Aquaterra arrived with instruments and offered assistance, but was recovering from an injury and elected to retire early)

Sat Jan 14

Dancing led by Dame Judith. Music by Master Guillaume de Garrigues and Camp Fromage Party Band.

After hours Wassailing by Camp Fromage Party Band.


Jan 16th Madrone Social

No dancing. Background music by Ranulf.


Feb 2nd Eastside dance practice. Home of Master Trahaern and Mistress Janelyn of Fen Mere.

Dance taught and led by Master Trahaern. HL Soelig, HL Alen and two other dancers visiting from Aquaterra. Six dancers overall. Music by Ranulf (recorders).


Feb 4th Feast of St. Bubba, Wyewood

Dance taught and led by Mistress Sara de Bonneville. Spring-themed dances. Recorded music for dance.


Feb 9th Dance practice, Aquaterra

Dance taught and led by HL Soelig and HL Alen. Master Trahaern visiting from Madrone.


Feb 11th Candlemas, Dragonslaire

Music by Master Guillaume (bagpipes, recorder) and Camp Fromage Party Band (Mistress Annise, drums; Lady Madalena Vieri, drum and recorder) with HL Padreig (bagpipes, fiddle, drum).


Upcoming local events:

Feb 18th: Madrone Baronial Bardic/A&S championships

OT but P: March 4th, St James, Seattle: Byrd Ensemble: Spanish Music for the House of Habsburg

OT but P: March 10th, Trinity Parish, Seattle: Ave Renaissance Women’s Choir: Tehillim

Apr 1st: Madrone Baronial Banquet

OT but P: Apr 1 & 2, Ilsley Ball Recital (Benaroya), Seattle: The Baltimore Consort: The Food of Love


Molto grazie; thanks for your time and attention.


Good luck with your projects, and I hope this finds you and your loved ones happy and healthy.


HL Ranulf Mirthe

mka Toivo Rovainen

Equestrian (Lord Bernard of York)

  • January practice foregone due to snow and ice
  • February 25 will be the next practices, with a work party the following day (concepts for new equipment)
  • Meeting the fourth Thursday of the month
  • Many An Tirian Equestrians are going to Gulf Wars
  • Rafael is EIC for AWW


Pewter (Master Sean O’Conner)

  • Her Excellency is creating windmills as tokens for Baronial Banquet
  • Her Excellency is excited about teaching classes again soon, perhaps at Master Sean’s house

Archery (Mistress Shadhra Aliya) (Inactive)

Arts & Sciences (6/17) (HE Aeron Corrino)

A brief missive from your A&S Minister.


The Arts are alive and well and about to be gifted a new set of champions this weekend. I am currently working on the judging schedule for the day revolving around there being three champion candidates.


If Anyone who was working on having a class be presented at A&S Championship please contact me ASAP that would be great. I know a few people were working on getting a class together. The person whom I had lined up to present a class has had to pull out of that because of mundane life concerns demanding personal attention this weekend.


There will be a set of designs presented to the populace for the decor for Baronial Banquet so we can have a discussion of work planning for that fun so the barony looks AWESOME when Their Majesties visit!


I am currently working on a plan for a set of Champion hoods HOPEFULLY to be presented to Their Excellencies at Baronial Banquet.


I will not be attending tonight’s meeting as I won’t be leaving work in Factoria until 7:30pm.


No deaths to report, no children stolen by witches and no scarlet letters awarded this month.

Armored Combat Marshal (7/18) (Sir Athos Belisarios)

Chamberlain (4/17) (HL Karrel der Ertmundigendr)

Our excellent chamberlain has held the job for many years but needs to step down later this year. We need to begin looking for a replacement/successor for him. He is providing needed equipment for Baronial AS&B this week, and has also provided an inventory for the May Crown event team.

Chatelaine (6/16) (Baroness Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir)

We had 2 new email or Facebook inquiries in January. We also had 7 new members in the Meet-up group. I have provided information, and generally encouraged the new contacts to come to a Social as their first activity. I also provide information about upcoming events in case they want to jump right in, so please keep an eye out for unfamiliar faces and welcome them. For interested young people, I refer them to Sarah Pixie, the YAC.


I do not expect to make the meeting as I have been under the weather.


Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir

Chatelaine for the Barony of Madrone

Chronicler (8/18) (Lord Nicklaβ Volkheart)

Family Activities Coordinator (vacant)

Herald (6/18)(HL Anne-Rose Smythe)

Hereby is my report from the Red Tree Pursuivants office.


I have found a deputy, Simon Fisc, who has graciously accepted deputy Red Tree position. His primary interest is court heraldry. So please welcome Simon and aid him as needed.


Due to the holidays and personal illness there has been little action in the herald’s office. I anticipate a huge influx of submissions so the An Tir College of Heralds will be needing assistance with submissions and commentary. If you are an experienced submissions herald, or are interested in learning onomastic or armory heraldry please contact your favorite herald.


I will be hosting some heraldry consult nights on the east side and Simon and I will be coordinating attending socials to provide consult services as needed.


In Service,

Anne Rose Smythe

Red Tree Pursuivant


In addition to this written report, Anne-Rose gives a verbal report regarding the new requirements for the May Crown tournament. Must have a name and device either registered or in process of registry. If anyone cannot financially support the fees, the King and Queen will pay out of their own personal pocket. (Exception: if this is your first entry into Crown tournament, you are exempt from this requirement with the understanding that you will comply with this requirement should you win the tournament.)

Lists (2/18) (HL Luaithrend the Falconer’s Wife)

No Madrone tournaments this month; nothing to report at this time.


Rapier (7/18) (Gallant Katryne MacKim)

  • Rapier continues, no injuries.
  • Ursulmas was great. Working closely with the AQ folks. Coordinating as MIC for May Crown.


Scribe (7/18) (HL Madelena al Vieri)

  • Getting help with the work load
  • Working on getting new people to come and join in on the scribal fun!


Webster (8/16) (HL Alicia du Bois)

I continue to receive feedback and suggestions for our Baronial Website. This is wonderful and I welcome more!


If you would like assistance with adding the Baronial Calendar to your mobile device or laptop, please let me know!


What happened in January:


Recent Website Feedback:

  • The past champion’s page is too hidden. Based on this feedback I have updated the Baronial Court page to make the link to past champions more prominent. I have also added the past champions to the main menu (under Baronial Court)
  • Loyally Luiathrend and Traitorously Phillip have been receiving way too much spam email: To combat this I have implemented Akismet spam filter for forms. Spam has been significantly reduced.


Baronial Website Project:

-Please use the form on the past champions page if you see anyone missing.

– I have am in the process of going through our records of awards conferred and reconciling them with the OP. This will be a multi-month process to bring everything up to date. Thank you in advance for your patience.

– The secret test copy of WordPress is still sitting in a hidden corner of the Internet. Lady Gera may or may not be tinkering.


Website Maintenance:

– provided WordPress support to Chronicler & Seneschal

– updated email forwarding addresses as requested and created new addresses for Baronial Feast and May Crown


If anyone is interested in taking on the position of Webster, I’d really love to hear from you. I will be busy during the upcoming reign and would love the opportunity to start training someone.


Respectfully submitted,


Lady Alicia du Bois

Webster of Madrone

Youth Armored Combat Marshal (Lady Sara Pixie)

Canton of Porte de l’Eau (9/18)(HL Christopher Hawkins)

  • We are still here! Our monthly meetings are 8-10/12 people normally. Talking about what the official event will be for this year.


7:45 Meeting Adjourned