Barony of Madrone Curia
January 9, 2017
Baronial Welcome (Baron Enzio Bandinelli)
See you all at 12th Night & Ursalmas
Seneschal Welcome and Report (HL Gera Gangolffin)
- Officer positions accepting applications:
- Baronial Charter reframing?
Exchequer Report (HL Emma la Rousse de la Argentan)
- Budget notes – thanks for help!
- Balance – ch – $6993.59; mm – $15057.12
St. Bunstable – Sir Brandt – Sir Martin is a student at UW, as is his son.
Drama dept – Shakespeare in the Park? Crossover?
UW requires 3 students
“drive by” fighter practice?? — fight demos? Loaner armor? Direct attendees to Monday Night at Kapka
Business Items:
- Nathaniel’s darts proposal?
- Unable to attend 12th Night – so, nevermind this year
Close out
In Process
- 2/18/2018: Baronial A&S (HL Karrel)
- Alianora is taking reservations for dinner;
- Publishing requirements for competitions via fb.
- Have updated A&S Championship rules, see below:
Unto The Populace of Fair Madrone pay heed!
The time is coming to turn our eyes to the good labors of Madrone’s accomplished artisans and select a new Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion. This year boasts some innovations that our current Champion hopes will help the fire of inspiration spread through all ages of our populace.
Baronial Champion Competition:
– Letter of Intent* to Their Excellencies by February 8th (
– 1 completed project (with documentation**)
– 1 project in progress (with inspiration and rough outline of research)
For each project you will present to a panel of judges for 15-20 minutes with 15-20 minutes for Q&A with the judges after the presentation. Please bring 3 copies of your documentation.
* A template “Letter of Intent” can be found on the Madrone website
** A discussion will be held at one of the January Baronial Socials regarding ideas and helpful hints on writing documentation, templates are available, and our current and past Champions are happy to advise or provide moral support regarding all things documentation-related.
Youth A&S Challenge:
A completed project with a short write up of what inspired you to create your project. Populace votes will determine the Youth Challenge Prize Recipient.
– 1 completed project with a short write-up about your inspiration
– Please contact Baron Aeron Corrino with questions (
Laurel’s Challenge:
We have a wealth of talented Laurels across a broad spectrum of disciplines here in Madrone….truly a glorious embarrassment of riches…..and we would like to see what current item or skill has captured their interest and let others feed off the creative energy and process!
– 1 Work in Progress – with inspiration research/images and a brief write up of anticipated path toward completion
– interested Laurels should message Baron Aeron Corrino with your intent (
As always our Illustrious Madrone Culinary Guild will be providing a delicious meal to cap off the day’s festivities. So keep your eye out for reservations to open for that. Also be watching for class announcements as we will have guest lecturers presenting during the day as well!
- Still awaiting Championship rules from Bardic Champion.
- Gate registration should be set up and working. Need to coordinate with the webmistress on linking it.
- I need someone to help with decorations. Any volunteers?
- 4/1/2017: Baronial Banquet (HL Luaithrend)
Baronial Banquet: Things are moving along nicely for banquet. Alicia has created an email address for reservations and pre-reg is now open. The decorations team is creating some beautiful work for the barony to use at Banquet and beyond (will be requesting additional funds for this item at February Curia). Classes are in the works. And the Culinary Guild is creating several AMAZING recipes for you all to enjoy!!
Classes are in the works.
- 5/19-21/17: May Crown 2017 (Baron Stephen des Jardin, HL Gera Gangolffin)
All planning shifts into high gear after twelfth night. We need to finalize the merchant packet. Biffy order quote is being requested this week, we’re planning on executing the contract this month. We’ve staffed the waterbearer position. Planning for A&S, schedule and land use is underway. Have received request from a merchant. Will need many volunteers to make event happen.
- 9/22-24/2018: Emprise of the Black Lion (Baroness Alianora Greymoor)
Revised budget presented – Estimated profit $885.
Megara offered to do simple dinner; plan is to be during court.
Camping event, basics of Saturday will remain unchanged
Add straw bales?
Rapier activities added? – Friday night (torchlight?) tourney?
Approved Budget!!
We had a demo on Dec 7th at a school in Shoreline. The school and the kids loved it and would like to have us back again in the spring for a different class group. The school also made a generous donation to the barony. Due to the during the day scheduling conflicts I had to pull people from Wyewood, Aquaterra and even Glymm Mere to come help with the demo. We started with an open lecture/ discussion on the clothing and life of everyone’s personas, we then taught three classes and did a fighting demo. Thanks to Kat Draygon and Conal MacLaren (Stephen Henning) from Aquaterra, our very own Lady Alicia du Bois from Madrone, Master Leith McCombs of Wyewood and Antonio del Leone (Sean Sherwood) & Lord Aldric Volkson (Mitchell Amsbury) from Glymm Mere.
School offered $400 donation to us; would like to do another.
Boy Scout demo went well too.
Appendix: Reports from Guilds, Officers, Subgroups
Culinary (Mistress Ysolt of Wind Hill) – guild wants to help, but we need more notice; couple months? A&S dinner; Banquet; lots of stuff happening. Lunch for Emprise?
Dance (HL Ranulf)
Nov 3rd Eastside Dance Practice
Master Trahaern and Mistress Janelyn lead. Six dancers. Ranulf plays.
Nov 14th Madrone Social
Master Trahaern and Mistress Sara de Bonneville teach and lead. HL Soelig and HL Alen visiting (Aquaterra). Six dancers. Ranulf plays.
Dec 1st Eastside Dance practice
Led and taught by Master Trahaern and Janelyn. Six dancers. Ranulf plays.
Dec 3rd
[Four SCA Yule events; failed to attend any]
OT but P: Medieval Women’s Choir performs seasonal medieval music
Dec 9th OT but P: Consort Conspiratio concert, Salle St. George
Performance of Renaissance holiday vocal music (Consort Conspiratio including Mistress Marie, Lady Frances de Burgo (the Chaste)), magic (Master Payne)
Dec 15th Kirkland Unitarian
Rehearsal for Solstice service dances. Led by Master Trahaern. Six dancers.
Dec 17th Solstice service with four period dances. ~30 attending. After service, 6-10 recreational dancers. Master Trahaern led and taught. Music by Ranulf.
Dec 19th Madrone Social. Master Trahaern and Mistress Sara teach. Six dancers. Boom box.
Jan 4th Eastside Dance practice
Led and taught by Master Trahaern and Janelyn. Mistress Sara (Wyewood), HL Soelig and Alen (Aquaterra) visiting. 8 dancers, one observer, Music by Ranulf.
Jan. 8th 12th Night Ball review at Mistress Sara’s.
Master Trahaern, Mistress Sara, Ranulf.
Jan 13th 12th Nightl, Wyewood
Dance practice/rehearsal 5-7, Ball after court
Feb 18 Madrone A&S/Bardic
Apr 1 Madrone Baronial Banquet
Molto grazie; thank you very much for your time and attention.
Good luck with your projects, and I hope this finds you and your loved ones happy and healthy.
HL Ranulf Mirthe
mka Toivo Rovainen
Equestrian (Lord Bernard of York) – yey ponies!
Pewter (Master Sean O’Conner)
Archery (Mistress Shadhra Aliya) (Inactive)
Arts & Sciences (6/17) (HE Aeron Corrino)
Armored Combat Marshal (7/18) (Sir Athos Belisarios)
Chamberlain (4/17) (HL Karrel der Ertmundigender)
Coordinating with A&S event steward on borrowing equipment. No other requests have been received.
Chatelaine (6/16) (Baroness Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir)
We had 5 new email or Facebook inquiries in December. We had 3 new members in the Meet-up group. I have provided information, and generally encouraged the new contacts to come to a Social as their first activity. I have also provided some information on good upcoming events for newcomers.
Demos at conventions? Panels? “When I was King/Queen” panel?
Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir
Chatelaine for the Barony of Madrone
Chronicler (8/18) (Nicklaβ Volkheart)
Family Activities Coordinator (vacant)
Herald (6/18)(HL Anne-Rose Smythe)
Lists (2/18) (Luaithrend the Falconer’s Wife)
No tournaments held.
No activity to report.
Reminder to all competitors for QRC and Ursulmas to make sure your authorizations are up to date.
Rapier (7/18) (Gallant Katryne MacKim)
Rapier continues with a good turn out on Monday nights. Averaging between 4 and 10 righters per session.
Preparation for QRC continues. Preperation for Ursalmas commenced.
Kate MacKim
Scribe (7/18) (HL Madelena al Vieri)
Scribal Night is currently on hold to reassess how to attract participation. New charter designs for the new Baronial tenure are in progress, and original scroll assignments are being distributed; anyone who would like to contribute is encouraged to contact Lady Madelena.
Perhaps upstairs or another room at Kapka instead of in fight practice room.
Perhaps another night? Another place?
Perhaps publish via meet up group?
Webster (8/16) (Lady Alicia du Bois)
What happened in December:
Baronial Website Project:
-Please use the form on the past champions page if you see anyone missing.
– I have am in the process of going through our records of awards conferred and reconciling them with the OP. This will be a multi-month process to bring everything up to date. Thank you in advance for your patience.
– The secret test copy of WordPress is still sitting in a hidden corner of the Internet. Lady Gera may or may not be tinkering.
Website Maintenance:
– provided WordPress support to Chronicler & Seneschal
– updated email forwarding addresses as requested and created new addresses for Baronial Feast and May Crown
If anyone is interested in taking on the position of Webster, I’d really love to hear from you. I will be busy during the upcoming reign and would love the opportunity to start training someone.
Youth Armored Combat Marshal (Lady Sara Pixie)
Youth armored combat
Practices happened and there were no injuries to report.
Practices will continue in Jan on the 1st and 4th Monday evening at the Kappa School.
Canton of Porte de l’Eau (9/18)(HL Christopher Hawkins)
Adjourned at 8pm!