Barony of Madrone
Curia Minutes
October 10, 2016
Baronial Welcome (Baron Enzio Bandinelli)
- Emprise was wonderful, thank you to the event staff.
- Sven was wet and windy, but a good demo nonetheless.
- Her Excellency went to Arts Unframed this past weekend and had a wonderful event.
- Her Excellency went to Geek Girl Con on Sunday in order to scout it for a possible demo for next year!
Seneschal Welcome and Report (HL Gera Gangolffin)
- Branch officer training Oct 22 in Vulkanfeldt
- No charge
- Also no budget for travel
- Seneschal and exchequer symposium Nov 19-20 in 3M
- Luaithrend and Emma and Gera are all going for the day
- Officer status
New officers:
- Deputy to Chatelaine: Demo Coordinator – Lady Sarah Pixie
- Deputy exchequer: Lady Sarah Pixie
Officer positions accepting applications:
- Deputy to Seneschal: Contingency and Curia Notes
- Luaithrend’s term is up in January and she is seeking a replacement
- Deputy to Chatelaine: Contingency Deputy
- Deputy to Chatelaine: Gold Key
- Family Activities Coordinator
- Thrown Weapons Marshal
- Baronial pavilion
- Sold at Emprise for the price asked ($800). The Keep is buying it; $200 to the positive on the purchase of the new pavilion.
Exchequer Report (HL Emma la Rousse de la Argentan)
- Budget Cycle
- Any officer who wishes changes or updates to their budget, please present to Lady Emma in the next month. Will have discussion in November and voting/approval in December.
- Most officers did give up their budgets, but some held on (Chatelaine, Scribal)
- Checking: $ 6,760.04
- Money Market: $ 15,040.94
- Financial Committee Meeting Thursday, November 10, 2016, 7pm at Lady Gera’s home. Open to all. Lady Gera will post her address closer to the date.
- Brief financial meeting will be held at the end of Curia today in order to get Baron Enzio added as a signatory to the checking account.
- Passing the hat for donations again this evening.
- Nathanial—has been asked by event steward to do An Tir Darts at 12th Would also like to do darts at other baronial events, and would like the Barony to have a set of darts.
- We already have the stand, we need the darts.
- Would cost a little more than $70 for two dozen darts.
- Needs to investigate shipping and handling.
- Will have more discussion at the next Financial Committee meeting and next Curia.
Close out
- Emprise of the Black Lion (Alianora Greymoor)
- Balsa Jousting was very exciting this year. Thank you to the Barony for the additional funds to make that happen.
- Waiting for a bit more information to finalize report.
- 304 people through gate.
- 273 adults, 15 youth, 16 children
- 55 non-members came through
- $2,730 through gate.
- Expenses $1,876.73
- Netted a profit of $853.27
- Would like to propose that we donate some to Wyewood (because of their support); proposes 20% to Wyewood. Will discuss again at next Curia meeting
- Gera is receptive to that
- Baron Enzio points out that mending the relationship with the southern neighbors is a good thing as well
- Two investitures occurred; 5 Kingdoms represented at the Emprise.
- Will be putting in an event bid next Curia meeting for next year; would also like to have anyone interested in working with her next year contact her.
- Master Guillaume—thank you so much for supporting the event.
In Process
- 5/19-21/17: May Crown 2017 (Baron Stephen des Jardin, HL Gera Gangolffin)
- Had a meeting at Lady Gera’s house right before Emprise
- Still working through staffing issues; have places available for people to help
- Contact the event stewards if you are interested
- Site visit 10/16
- If you are interested in going, contact Stephen or Gera
- Draft site layout created
- 2/18/2018 or 2/25/2018: Baronial A&S (HL Karrel)
- Has a date reserved: February 18, 2016
- Site: Magnolia Lutheran Church (contract handed to Lady Gera for review)
- Estimated profit is estimated at this time (based on 100 attendees, which is a conservative estimate)
- Needs event staff!!!
- Please see Karrel to sign up to help out
- Need Gate help in particular (Alianora volunteers)
- Has put the call out to A&S and Bardic Champion regarding classes
- Baron Aeron will help out with classes
- 4/1/2017: Baronial Banquet (HL Luaithrend)
- See handouts
- Tayla puts forth that the Culinary Guild would like to work with Luaithrend
- Lady Gera trusts and respects Luaithrend. Baron Enzio agrees.
- The assembled populace agree that Luaithrend shall act as Event Steward.
- Is the assembled populace happy with the substance of the Event as proposed? Yes.
- Business model? Yes.
- Check request for deposit approved.
- 3/2-4/2018: Kingdom A&S 2018 (HL Luaithrend)
- HL Gera and I visited the Bellevue Hilton and were impressed with the site. They can offer rooms (2 queens or 1 king w/ pullout) for $129/night. We are still awaiting a response from the Bellevue Hilton regarding whether they can work within our budget.
- Wyewood has given permission for us to investigate hotels within their area.
- No response from Aquaterra.
- Process continues
- Note: Porte d’Leau is not actively pursuing Kingdom Heraldic at this time
- Tavern Night—Sir Rafael not available tonight to report
Appendix: Reports from Guilds, Officers, Subgroups
Culinary (Mistress Ysolt of Wind Hill)
Dance (HL Ranulf)
Buon giorno!
Come ‘statet?
Sep 19th
Baronial Social, Madrone
Master Trahaern and Mistress Sara de Bonneville leading and teaching. HL Soelig Swetegle and HL Alen visiting from Aquaterra. 6 dancers. Music by Ranulf (recorders).
Sep 24th
Emprise, Wyewood/Madrone
Opening processional music by Camp Fromage (Maitre Guillaume, bagpipes; Lady Magdalene, cornamuse; Mistress Annise, Master Sean of Wales, drums; HL Padreig MacAlpin, shawm). Background music during the day by Jorunn Allaksdottir of Madrone (recorders, harp), HL Padreig (Bagpipes, shawm, fiddle), HL Matilda Stoyle (trombone, recorders; congratulations on your well-deserved Jambe de Leon, Matilda!) and Ranulf (recorders). Evening processional music by Camp Fromage (as above, but with Padreig on bagpipes), and Ranulf on drum. Brief post-court music by HL Matilda and Ranulf).
Oct 6th
Eastside Dance, Porte de l’Eau
Master Trahaern leading and teaching, four dancers. Mostly Arbeau bransles (Langres, 1589), Playford English Country (London, 1651), Old Measures (London, 1570-1675). Music by Ranulf (recorders)
Sep 30-Oct 9th
OT but partly P: Men in Dance/Against the Grain, Seattle
Master Trahaern, Mike Stephan, Kari Torkkula and Ranulf perform “Buffins” (sword dance from Arbeau’s _Orchesographie,_ Langres 1589) 8X as part of all-male dance festival.
Oct 15-16 Avacal Days of Dance (Master Trahaern and Maestra Sara de Bonneville plan to attend) Oct 17 Baronial Social
Oct 23 OT but P: Seattle Early Dance Costume Ball: Renaissance and Baroque social and performance dance to live music; Maestra Sara, Master Trahaern and Ranulf scheduled to perform in some of the dances.
Dec 3rd: Aquaterra Good Yule
January: 12th Night Ball (Madrone/Wyewood)
Molto grazie; thank you for your time and attention.
HL Ranulf Mirthe, JdL
mka Toivo Rovainen
Equestrian (Lord Bernard of York)
No report as of Curia
Pewter (Master Sean O’Conner)
No report as of Curia
Archery (Mistress Shadhra Aliya) (Inactive)
No report as of Curia
Arts & Sciences (6/17) (HE Aeron Corrino)
Not a whole lot to report this month. The current, the former, and the former former A&S champions (Svea, Adriana, myself) were all at the recent PDL demo with A&S displays of printing, painting/scribal, and costuming/embroidery. It was a lovely if slightly damp day No fatalities to report, no injuries, no accusations of witchcraft requiring a public trial. The arts are pleasantly chugging along through the change over from our previous Baron and Baroness to our current Excellences.
Armored Combat Marshal (7/18) (Sir Athos Belisarios)
Chamberlain (4/17) (HL Karrel der Ertmundigender)
Will submit verbal report.
Storing the new baronial pavilion in the storage unit. It does not have a case! New project: get a case made for the new baronial pavilion. Lady Gera has a giant case that might be perfect—she will provide it to Sgt. Karrel.
Do a more in-depth work party. There are a number of items that might not need to be there any more…two display cases that we have not used recently, for example.
Have lost extra poles that we had for the blue canvas day shades. Please keep an eye out for them.
Also found another bag of Gold Key tucked up on a shelf!
Sgt. Karrel and Lady Gera will work on setting a date.
Lady Gera requests a copy of the inventory for purposes of the May Crown working group. Lady Emma also requests for Exchequer purposes (baronial property).
Chatelaine (6/16) (Baroness Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir)
We had one new email inquiry in September, a person with previous contact with the SCA. We also had 4 new members in the Meet-up group. I have provided information, and generally encouraged the new contacts to come to a Social as their first activity. For this month, I also encouraged them to attend either the Emprise or the PdL Demo. For interested young people, I also refer them to Sarah Pixie, the YAC. We had a few new people at the Month Baronial Social.
At the Emprise of the Black Lion, at the end of September, we had a number of new people. Most were invited by a participant, and may have no further interest, or will ask that participant for further information. Some were wandering by and curious. A few of those may contact us further. Several were new to the area, but familiar with the SCA, or new to the SCA, and were looking to learn more. We expect most of the last group to follow up with further involvement.
The Canton of Porte de l’Eau held a Demo in early October. It drew a number of newer people from Meet-up and with various other initial contacts. Due to the weather, there was little walk-in traffic. We expect some of the attendees to follow up with further involvement.
Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir
Chatelaine for the Barony of Madrone
Chronicler (8/18) (Nicklaβ Volkheart)
Positive points:
Positive reaction to media on Facebook page. Lots of tagging, people seemed very engaged and interested in the photos shared from the Emprise.
Loyally Luaithrend/Traitorously Philip still going strong, attracting a lot of engagement.
Points to improve:
No submissions from the community, will begin specifically asking for updates and ideas from community members.
Picture and videos were taken at Emprise. Has a good plan for improving visibility and engagement on social media. Post a picture and ask folks to tell him a story about this!!
Family Activities Coordinator (vacant)
Herald (6/18)(HL Anne-Rose Smythe)
No report as of Curia.
Lists (2/18) (Luaithrend inghean Uilliam)
Minister of Lists Report, October 2016
Madrone had a fabulous event in September where Lists were necessary!! The Emprise of the Black Lion saw Equestrian and Armored Combat events, as well as Archery.
Many thanks to Baroness Alessandra, HL Gera, and milady Megara for their assistance with the Lists tables for this event.
I have submitted the Lists Report for the Pas de Armes and the Heavy Championship to the Event Steward, the MiC, and Kingdom Lists. I have not received anything yet for Equestrian or Archery regarding Lists information.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve!
~~Luaithrend inghean Uilliam
Minister of Lists, Barony of Madrone
Rapier (7/18) (Gallant Katryne MacKim)
No report as of Curia
Scribe (7/18) (HL Madelena al Vieri)
Webster (8/16) (Lady Alicia du Bois)
I continue to receive feedback and suggestions for our Baronial Website. This is wonderful and I welcome more!
If you would like assistance with adding the Baronial Calendar to your mobile device or laptop, please let me know!
What happened in September:
Baronial Website Project:
– I have started adding past champion information. There is a form on the past champions page so that if you know information that can fill in any gaps you can let us know.
– I have started going through our records of awards conferred and reconciling them with the OP. This will be a multi-month process to bring everything up to date. Thank you in advance for your patience.
– The secret test copy of WordPress is still sitting in a hidden corner of the Internet and has some stuff in it now but I haven’t been able to get to it much this month.
Website Maintenance:
– updated officer information on website
– updated Court page with new Baron & Baroness, Head of Retinue, and Champions
– added Their Excellencies’ Progress
– changed email forwarders to reflect above changes
– added Rapier and Equestrian to the Past Champions section. Past champion information is scarce. If you can add any names to the list, please use the form provided.
– updated the events page to remove links to past events.
My warrant was renewed for one more year! However, if you are interested in taking on the position of Webster, please contact me. I’d be happy to work with a deputy and now would be a great time because we are starting the redesign of the website.
Respectfully submitted,
Lady Alicia du Bois
Webster of Madrone
Youth Armored Combat Marshal (Lady Sara Pixie)
Sept. practices happened.
I ran a tournament at Sept crown and we had 15 fighters.
I ran a kids melee at Banner War and we had 12 fighters.
The kids had fun and there were no injuries or weapon failures.
Thank You,
Sarah Maiser
Canton of Porte de l’Eau (9/18)(HL Christopher Hawkins)
- Thank you to everyone who came out to Day in the Park with Sven!
- Need to do these demos more often.
- Next spring will not be the best timing for this event, but would really like to see an event like this again.
College of St. Bunstable (Sir Brandt)
- Has not been able to work classes into his schedule (as a student), so he is looking for other ways to garner student interest.
- Perhaps have an occasional fight practice at the UW? Sir Brandt will talk with the fighters
- Perhaps have a dance practice at the UW?
- Needs folks to show up, perhaps in an afternoon on a Saturday (free parking!!)
- Please contact Sir Brandt if you have ideas or if you are able to help.
- Would also like to try the Shakespeare demo next April.
- Need to investigate what it would cost to actually “rent” space on campus (although the UW does not really want outside groups come in to recruit students for outside groups)
- Will continue to work through these ideas as we try to revive the College.
In attendance:
Willie Llywellen
Kate Waterous
Jeri Sisco
HL Gera (Jeri) moves that we add Baron Enzio to the bank account.