Curia Minutes 2016-07

Barony of Madrone

Curia Notes for

June 13, 2016

7:08pm call to order

B&B Welcome (Baron Stefan of Pembroke/Baroness Emmelina de Coventry)

  • Impressed with taxes collected at Peasant’s Revel!
  • July Coronation is coming this weekend. Baronial Pavilion will be set up Friday evening. Hospitality Table will be there, bring stuff, come hang out!

Seneschal Welcome and Report (HL Gera Gangolffin)

  • Focusing on the Baronial Selection polling.
  • Have fabulous candidate pairs and have sent those names to Their Majesties
  • Will publish when TRMs return their approvals (anticipated shortly after July Coronation)
  • Looking to get Meet and Greets in end of July and begin polling on Aug. 1
  • TRH have confirmed that it is their intent to handle changeover at Emprise
    • Much better for the Barony to hold changeover at OUR event, rather than having to wait until 12th Night
  • Received a fabulous application via email regarding Seneschal of St. Bunstable. Sir Brandt has volunteered to head (reinvigorate!!) the group!


Exchequer Report (HL Emma la Rousse de la Argentan)


  • Second quarter report finalized!!


Checking        $   4,613.03

Money Market          $ 15,023.09


  • Proposal to combine next financial committee meeting with curia next month
    • Reginald the Rough disagrees



Close out


  • 6/23: June youth demo for YMCA (Lady Sarah Pixie)
    • Went very well
    • There were NOT 120 children, more like 70
    • Split into three groups.
    • Rapier demo; heavy fighter demo; YAC fighting;


  • 7/9/16: Peasants’ Revel
    • Sent a report
    • Fed 84 people! The most ever for Peasants.
    • Weather was very Madrone! At most, minor spits during the day.
    • Sodbury won the day!
    • Baron Stefan says Good Work, Team Soup!!!


In Process


  • 8/13/16: Madrone Masters’ Tournament (Lord Cesare Carravagio)
    • Designs for prizes are in the works!
    • Megara has come up with a proposed meal plan (Cesare puts forth a proposed budget)
      • 20 servings at $5/serving. Ideally $40 profit, to be given to the Barony
    • Marketing has begun. Facebook event is up, Crier, Kingdom Calendar.
    • Baron Stefan announces his intention to hold a small bit of Court
    • Site fees: No site fee! $5 to fight in the fundraiser tourney, $5 to eat.


  • 9/23-25/16: Emprise of the Black Lion (Master Guillaume Garrigues/Baroness Alianora Greymoor)
    • Finding heavy marshal and archery marshal
      • Needs a heavy marshal who is really passionate about 15th c Pas D’Arms. Showmanship.
    • Archery Fest is happening the same weekend in Vulkanfeldt, so finding an archery marshal is challenging…
    • Reaching out to Sir Gernon…will be the new Baron of BAO at that time!!
    • Baron Stefan requests a reminder and he will contact Sir Bane regarding bringing his tilt
    • Captain Kate mentions that the Archery Champion will be present
    • Crown will attend; anticipating 200 event attendance.
    • Insurance cert request has been sent off
    • Crier Copy has been submitted
    • Needs Gate volunteer!!!
    • Site fee will be $10
    • Baron Stefan brings up the conversation about camping;
      • Site owners live on site and they are not comfortable with people camping on site
      • Hoping to begin negotiations to be able to use the Cle Elum site next year so as to accommodate camping
    • My Chef Lynn is interested in providing a food truck again
    • PLEASE come help set up the Friday before Emprise!!!
      • There is a LOT to set up. All help will be appreciated
    • Ground Crew is needed! Come to practice to learn the ropes!!


  • 10/1/16: A Day in the Park with Sven
    • We know this conflicts with Barons Ball, but this is the ONLY date that the park had open and available to reserve
    • Contract and insurance are in place
    • Major planning can now BEGIN!!!
    • If you would like to display or show off your art, science, or martial activity, please contact Mistress Ysolt.


  • 5/19-21/17: May Crown 2017 (Baron Stephen des Jardin, HL Gera Gangolffin)

Event bid approved. Contract with sign signed and submitted, check request for reservation fee & deposit will be sent tomorrow. Let the planning begin!

  • Site deposit has been taken care of
  • Site is reserved
  • Monthly updates have been sent to Kingdom
  • EIF was sent to Kingdom Calendar
  • Site visit planned in the early fall—more info to come on that
  • Looking for a media/advertising/marketing deputy
  • Looking for a merchant coordinator
  • Looking for a land steward


  • Demos:
    • Friday 7/22: Equestrian demo for Camp Donnie Bosco (Sir Rapheal)
      • Hoping to build a good relationship so we can use the site again
      • This is solely an equestrian demo
      • Insurance has been received, KEO has it
      • Ground crew is needed. Talk to Sir Rafael about how to get involved.
      • We are doing this demo for Lords and Ladies week at the camp.


  • 08/01: YMCA Demo (Lady Sarah Pixie)
    • Want another demo on August 1 (Monday) for 4th through 6th graders (between 30-40 kids)


Old Business



New Business

  • Sir Rafael wishes the Barony to consider sponsoring an Equestrian activity at AWW next year
    • Will discuss the matter with Lord Bernard




            Warrants for new Officers passed around

                        Seneschal St Bunstable – Sir Brand

Rapier Marshal – Captain Kate

Herald – Anne Rose

Scribe – Madelena


Officer positions accepting applications:

  • Gold Key Deputy
  • Family Activities coordinator
  • Chronicler/blogger


Appendix: Reports from Guilds, Officers, Subgroups


Costumers (Acting)(Lady Juana al Rumiya – the Christian)

Sunday August 7th Bellevue Library Meeting Room

Culinary (Mistress Ysolt of Wind Hill)

Normal reconstruction moving to next week. Also looking at Sunday in August.

Dance (HL Ranulf Mirthe)

Buon giorno!

Come ‘statet?

June 17th

OT but P: Goode’s Companye of Foote Muster Pike and shotte drill, archery, fencing. Music by Maija (of Wenatchee, on violin) and Ranulf (recorders). Some dancing in the evening; dances from Arbeau and Playford. Music by Maija, dances taught by Ranulf.


June 19th

Madrone Social

No dancing, but Danielo Il Sonatore (mka David) brought a crumhorn consort; some music with Ranulf on crumhorns and recorders.

June 19-26

Fifty Year Celebration (did not attend)

Per Mistress Sara de Bonneville, Master Trahaern taught corantos on Monday, galliards on Tuesday and canaries on Wednesday. (Two more days of teaching after.) HL Soelig Swetegle and HL Alen also dancing. They are eager to share the “New” dances they learned.

OT, VC Kerij-e and Sir Raphael brought horses to 50YC, and there was chariot archery.

? Boar’s Hunt

July 9th Peasants’ Revel (Madrone)

July 9th-10th Honey War
[Failed to attend any]

Presume Sir Master William the Harper, Mistress Alisaundre. Master Leith, Colette & Anneke de Venoix, and the Camp Fromage Party Band performed music (if present).



July 16 Coronation

Aug 13 Fencing event, Madrone

Aug 27 Aquaterra Champions and Grand Ithra

Sept 23-25 Emprise (Madrone)


Good luck with your projects, and I hope this finds you and your loved ones happy and healthy.


HL Ranulf Mirthe

mka Toivo Rovainen

Equestrian (Lord Bernard of York)

  • New Guild Head, Lord Bernard of York
  • Lady Catelyn is the Steward
  • Practices are scheduled
  • If you are interested in helping at the Emprise, please do come to a practice
  • As noted by Sir Rafael, the entire contingent escorting TRM’s at 50year came from Madrone
  • Lord Bernard is now the Equestrian Champion of BAO


Pewter (Master Sean O’Conner)

No written report as of Curia

Archery (Mistress Shadhra Aliya)

            No written report as of Curia

Arts & Sciences (6/17) (HE Aeron Corrino)

Quiet month in the Arts And Sciences. The various guild and interest group deputies have already updated via their reports. Our reconnaissance team returned successfully from 50th year festivities with tales to tell. Tourney season seems to be dominating everyone’s schedule and the arts were a bit quiet this month. No fatalities or lawsuits. I’m looking at putting together some classes in the late August/sept/Oct range and will be talking to a few people about that in the coming weeks. More news on that as it unfolds.

Branch Marshal (5/18) (Sir Athos Belisarios)

No written report as of Curia.

Chamberlain (4/17) (HL Karrel der Ertmundigender)

            No written report as of Curia

Chatelaine (6/16) (Baroness Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir)

I had no new email or Facebook inquiries in June, although I had some follow-up conversations with those who were new contacts in previous months, and there was some general discussion on Facebook that is helpful to newcomers. We had 4 new members in the meet-up group. I suggested Meet-up group members attend June Faire and Peasant’s Revel. I have provided information, and generally encouraged the new contacts to come to a Social as their first activity. For interested young people, I also refer them to Sarah Pixie, the YAC.

We also had a very sizable, successful demo for the YMCA summer camp program on June 20, showing the SCA off to 120 kids. (Coordinated by Sarah Pixie). We have another one planned for Monday, August 1.


Chronicler (vacant)

Family Activities Coordinator (vacant)

Herald (6/18)(HL Anne-Rose Smythe)

            Warrant signed this evening

No written report as of Curia

Lists (2/18) (Fru Luaithrend inghean Uilliam)


The following items have been addressed since last meeting:

  1. Touched base with Mistress Keri-je as well as with Baroness Alianora regarding list needs for Emprise on the equestrian side. (HL Alessandra indicated this past weekend that she would still very much like to be considered as Lists for the Equestrian portion of The Emprise even if she has another “job title” at that time. She would like some assistance, though.)
  2. Touched base with Master Guillaume and Baroness Alianora regarding list needs for Emprise on the armored combat side.


Looking forward to Madrone Masters next month!!


Rapier (07/18) (HL Katryne MacKim)

Warrant signed this evening

No written report as of Curia

Scribe (6/16) (HL Madelena al Vieri)

Warrant signed this evening

No written report as of Curia

Thrown Weapons – (HL Klaufi Hafrsson)

Thrown Weapons Report

Period of reporting: June 01-June 30


Thrown weapons practices continued on Wednesdays from 5:30 until dark.

All loaner gear and targets are currently in good repair.

Average attendance is 6 throwers per practice


No new marshal promotions for this period.

No new throwers this period.

No incidents to report.

No update on possible Thrown Weapons Championship
Webster (8/16) (Lady Alicia du Bois)

I apologize for not being able to be at the meeting tonight, we have out-of-town guests.

I continue to receive feedback and suggestions for our Baronial Website. This is wonderful and I welcome more!

If you would like assistance with adding the Baronial Calendar to your mobile device or laptop, please let me know!

What happened in June:

Baronial Website Project:
– I received some feedback about links or other errata within the pages and I appreciate it very much! If you find anything else that gives an error page or if something is missing or incorrect, please let me know at
– I have started adding past champion information. There is a form on the past champions page so that if you know information that can fill in any gaps you can let us know.

– I have started going through our records of awards conferred and reconciling them with the OP. This will be a multi-month process to bring everything up to date. Thank you in advance for your patience.

– I have put in a request to obtain high resolution images of the Madrone Domesday book to be able to use them for inspiration for a new website design. I will follow up on this request. I know the keeper of these things has been busy.

– The Baronial Events page now includes a link to instructions for how to add our Baronial Events Calendar to Outlook!

See it here:


Website Maintenance:
– updated some links and pages
– created a past champions page and form


Respectfully submitted,

Lady Alicia du Bois

Webster of Madrone


Youth Armored Combat Marshal (Lady Sara Pixie)

In the month of June the youth and I traveled to Boar’s hunt where they had a blast hunting a few wild animals. Some of the hunting dogs went feral and turned on their hunters and great chaos and fun was had. Madelene’s oldest daughter was a awarded the best dog award.

We had two practices at the Monday night fighter practice.

The youth and I also helped with a demo for the YMCA on the 23rd. The YMCA kids all had great fun and wished that they had more time.

We have another demo for the YMCA on Aug 1st in Woodinville.

Canton of Porte de l’Eau (Baroness Aleksandra Lavrovna)

The Canton continues along in its own Canton-y way.


We did not have a June meeting since there were many in our group making the trek to 50 year.  Things did happen in the Canton tho.


Anne-Rose is doing a weekly, travelling dinner rotating around several of the Paneras on the east side.  Those are currently happening on Thursdays and she posts earlier in the week which location she’ll be at that week.  This is an informal way for folks to gather and get to know each other.


A small practice and sword making workshop happened in Kirkland.  This was not an official Canton happening, just someone who wanted to make something happen and did.  I  believe they are planning a second one soon which is a happy thing.


Friday night social and practice returns to the Canton beginning this month on July 29!  Hosted by Rafael & Kirj-e at their home near Preston.  Stay tuned to the Canton email for more details coming soon.


Our demo/event “Saturday in the Park with Sven” will be on October 1.


Our next business meeting is Monday, July 25 at 7pm in the food court at Crossroads Mall in Bellevue.  Please join us!


  • From Sir Rafael and Mistress Keri-je, will be having gatherings at their home monthly beginning the 30th of this month.



Meeting Closed at 7:55pm