Curia Minutes 2016-01

Barony of Madrone Curia Minutes for

January 11, 2016


CALL TO ORDER:  7:05pm


B&B Welcome (Baron Stefan of Pembroke/Baroness Emmelina de Coventry)

            [Baron and Baroness are not able to be present tonight. Baroness Bergdis fills in as their Regent.]

Awards from Twelfth Night:

·      Dame Bridghid MacCumhal – Master of Defense

·      Lady Sarah Pixie – AoA

·      Kat Dragon – Leo Minor

·      Master Charles de Bourbon – augmentation of arms w/ TRM’s ermine fleur des lis

·      Official royal charter awarded to the Camp Fromage party band

·      A huge number of forget me nots, kings favors, thrones favors & bountiful hands

·      His Excellency was NOT assassinated at 12th Night.

·      Bernard of York received an AoA (the final award given by TRM’s).


Seneschal Welcome and Report (HL Gera Gangolffin)

·      Recruiting for and filling officer roles/succession planning

o   Encouraging officers to start thinking about succession planning

o   Who can you be teaching?

o   Take Deputies, take students, etc.

·      Supporting event stewards

·      Facilitating decisions that positively impact our cash flow

o   Lady Gera’s biggest priority this year!!

·      Updating and obtaining approval for Madrone customary

·      Small committee to rejuvenate Social on the 3rd Monday of the month.

o   How can we bring that back to life?

o   Vibrant and active Social is important to our Barony.


Exchequer Report (HL Lianor Pereira DoValle)

            Has copies of the proposed budget for review and approval.


            Checking:                    $   6,994.04

            Money Market:          $ 17,663.28



Close out


In Process

·      3/19/16: Madrone A&S Championship (HL Emma la Rousse d’Argentan)

o   Crier is updated

o   On the calendar as well

o   Emma will do some updates this week

o   Needs to connect with Collette to make sure that she and the B&B have agreed on the Bardic Format; will be in the fireside room.

§  Molly indicates that it will most likely be the same format as last year; three different styles of performance


o   Needs approval for event and budget, as well as check for insurance

o   Site fee $12 per person; Feast $8

o   Anticipated profit is $359 with these new numbers (estimated attendance of 90 adults, 10 youth, 1 child; 64 for dinner)

o   Will update site copy to say “the only reservation is a paid reservation ten days in advance”

o   A&S Format has been worked out with Their Excellencies

o   Karrel to be gate head

o   Sarra the Brave is kitchen head

o   Crown will be at Madrone A&S

o   Do we want to have classes? Need volunteers for classes!!!

§  HE Aquaterra may come to teach an enameling class

§  Looking for a bardic class

o   Do we need anything in the way of a Royal Liason?

§  Luaithrend volunteers (connect with Sarra)

o   Dancing after dinner as well

o   General plan: dinner at 6:00pm

o   Event bid vote: Approved.

o   Check request submitted.

o   Also submits site agreement to Lady Gera for signature


·      9/23-25/16: Emprise of the Black Lion (Master Guillaume Garrigues)

o   Baroness Alianora indicates that we don’t have a formal bid yet because we do not yet have a firm site

o   Lady Gera will research our copy of last year’s contract with Reiver (they sent an invoice that we believe has already been paid)



·      5/6-8/16: Inter-baronial Conflict (Sir Rapheal the Rogue)

o   PONIES!!!!!

o   No major conflicts have popped up.

o   Change from last month: updated staff.

o   Still looking for an Autocrat.

o   Does have MIC

o   Estimated budget has not changed

o   Basic cost to the Barony $950-$1150 (will open site earlier on Friday)

o   Stall fees are usually paid directly to the site—NOT part of the budget as far as the Barony is concerned. Equicrat will handle that.

o   The members present agree to raise the site fee to $15

o   Need to account for gate, site copy, signs, materials, trailer haul, etc.

o   Need portable toilets—biffies.

o   We will revisit this budget next month.

o   Lady Gera will speak with the Seneschal of Vulkanfeldt about using this site as it is in Vulkanfeldt lands

o   Event approved, but we look forward to a revised budget next month

o   Sir Rafael requests web presence and assistance with that


·      4/20: Shakespeare Demo for UW (external demo, not an official SCA event) (Sir Brand)

o   Recreation of a Shakespearean battle

o   Looking for SCA volunteers for that

o   Wednesday night, April 20, at UW, 452 anniversary of Shakespeare’s birthday/deathday. 4pm-8pm

o   UW School of Drama

o   There is also a Facebook page up. “Guinness World Record: Largest Shakespeare Battle”

o   Sir Brand hopes that this will help revitalize St. Bunstable as well as becoming an annual fundraiser


Old Business

·      Baronial 2016 Budget

o   Thrown Weapons asks for $25 more in the budget as well as a $75 contingency.

o   Don’t have year-end yet (bank statements have just come out)

o   We are in the red, although we do not have an estimate just yet.

o   Don Enzio offers to let the heavy fighting budget go if he can use that $75 toward rapier (needs a LARGE fencing mask)

o   Zero Seneschal

o   Reduce Exchequer to $50

o   Fundraising for practice/social space? Total donations have been $870 through the practice and Renzo’s enhanced fighter practice and Roufkin’s class. (Baroness Bergdis indicates that we should, perhaps once a month, have a more clear area for donations for our site space.) We need a sign-in table each week.

o   Lady Gera reiterates that we do not have our year end yet (will have next month), but we did lose money last year. $1200 revenue is all we brought in. Lady Gera asks for input as to how the Barony can earn additional funding.

§  Crown Events have been suggested, but we need volunteers to make that happen.

§  Baroness Bergis asks for data regarding past events and revenues brought in so we can see where we can possibly make money.

§  If we can get the Emprise at a camping site, that can make more money.

o   Changes bring our estimated 2016 budget down to $ 5,445.

o   Do we tentatively approve this budget at this time? Yes.

§  Lianor will be emailing the proposed budget to Their Excellencies.


New Business


Officer Reports

New officers:


Officer positions accepting applications:

·      Gold Key Deputy

·      Rapier Marshal Deputy

·      Listmistress

·      Family Activities Coordinator

·      Chronicler/Blogger


Reports from Guilds, Officers, Subgroups

Seneschale’s notes:


A&S:   Bardic demo? Request for a bardic performance at a German pub (per         prior conversation). Set cut-off date to say “yes” or “no”?  There has been            some interest, but no one has put it all together.


            HE Aeron has a volunteer interested in reviving the Costumer’s Guild.        May need to rewrite (or create from whole cloth) a Charter.


Chamberlain: volunteers for inventory and possible storage move? Looking at the first quarter of the year. Slightly bigger storage may be needed? Or perhaps inventory and pare things down.



Culinary (HL Ysolt of Wind Hill)

            No written report as of Curia.

            Guild is busy as always! The Guild had a dinner in the Knight’s      Auction at 12th Night, won by Lady Emma!!!

            Also working on a new website as well as a new pamphlet.

Dance (Lord Ranulf Mirthe)

Buona Notte!

Happy belated New Year!


Dec 21st Madrone Baronial Social

Master Trahaern taught and led dance. 6 dancers. Recorded music.


12th Night

Friday Ball: Dance taught and led by HL Ignatius, Mistress Sara de Bonneville, Lady Slaine. Musicians led by Lord Geoffrey Higgenbotham, Baroque flute, Khanzara of Samarkand (Jennifer), hammered dulcimer. Malek of Samarkand (Bios), drums. Lady Eleanor (Dian?), violin. Mistress Elizabeth Piper, recorders. Talia, recorders. Marcello. cello. Lord Padrieg, drum, fife & tabor. Ranulf Mirthe. recorders. ~20-32 dancers.

Saturday: Before last court, dance taught and led by Julianna di Luna, ~8 dancers; music by Lord Geoffrey Higgenbotham and Camp Fromage Party Band.. Last court of retiring majesties, music by Camp Fromage Party Band, Lord Geoffrey Higgenbotham, Ranulf. Spanish skit had fanfare by Camp Fromage party band. Opening court of incoming majesties, music by Elizabeth Piper (violin & recorders), Elanor (cello), Ranulf.

Noon performance in lobby by An Tir Ensemble organized and led by Mistress Elizabeth Piper. Five vocal pieces with 12 singers, four instrumental pieces with seven players, incl Jaclyn de Lioncourt, Marcello Fornarius, Elanor. Padreig, and others.

Music during An Tir players’ “The Tempest” by Master Leith.

Bardic Circle led by Master Galleran Chantrel.

Late night party music by Camp Fromage Party Band.


Good luck with your projects, and I hope this finds you and your loved ones happy and healthy.


HL Ranulf Mirthe

mka Toivo Rovainen

Equestrian (Mistress Annisa)

            Madrone Equestrian Guild report: 
            No practices in December or January
            Next meeting January 28 in Issaquah
            Next practice will be in February
            Plans are afoot for the year’s events

Pewter (Master Sean O’Conner)

            No written report as of Curia.

Archery (Mistress Shadhra Aliya)

            Practice is on hiatus until Spring 2016.

Arts & Sciences (6/17) (HE Aeron Corrino)

Not a whole lot to report, I need to set up a meeting with Their Excellencies to determine the specifics of turning over the Madrone Costumers’ Guild to a gentle woman of our populace interested in trying to revive it.


I have received a donation of fabric for creation of new Champion Mantles


I will be conferring with Adrianna this week to hopefully finalize, but it looks like we will be having His Excellency of Aquaterra teaching an enameling class at A&S


Plans for the A&S competition continue to evolve.

Branch Marshal (5/17) (Don Enzio Bandinelli)

                        Fighting continues. No Injuries. Waivers get signed.  Had a really good turnout                               last Monday after a slight holiday dip in numbers.

            -Don Enzio

Chamberlain (4/17) (HL Karrel der Ertmundigender)



Have annual inventory to do, any suggestions on a date/time for a work party? Will need volunteers.

Coordinating with A&S event steward for Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship on March 19.

Nothing else on the short term calendar.



Baronial Chamberlain

Chatelaine (6/16)(Baroness Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir)

We had no new email or Facebook inquiries in December, but one brand new person on Meet-up. We also had 6 new members in the meet-up group. I have provided information, and generally encouraged the new contacts to come to a Social as their first activity. We had one fairly new person at a fight practice, looking for the Baronial Social.


Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir

Chatelaine for the Barony of Madrone

Baroness Bergdis also encourages folks to (a) contribute to the website, and (b) join in the meetup group.

Chronicler (vacant)

Family Activities Coordinator  (vacant)

Herald (6/16) (Lady Matilda Stoyle)

            No written report as of Curia.

            Lady Matilda encourages everyone to Herald at Ursulmas.

Lists (vacant)

Rapier (12/16) (HL Renzo di Venturius)

            No written report as of Curia.

Scribe (6/16) (HL Rignach of Argyll)

            No written report as of Curia.

Thrown Weapons – (HL Klaufi Hafrsson)

Practices are on haitus until Spring, March or April.


We have a few spare hard targets now I have three authorized deputies for my position, Kate Waterous and Molly Moench but my drop dead deputy will be Phil Cohen. Phil is authorized to run practices, at my home, in my absence and has access to all the tools, weapons and documentation if I’m unavailable. Kate was my drop-dead, but she’s now the TW Marshal for Wyewood and I don’t want to put too much on her.


We will likely need straw this year, last years was baled funny and is now bowed. Not likely to last the whole of this year. Am trying to work with Aquaterra to buy in with them for a better price, will update when I hear back from them. The straw might also be fine, I’m just not sure. It’s dry and not moldy though!


I will be present for the budget discussion, as mentioned I may need straw, and we need to replace a spear handle and an axe handle. We need also need one new hard target stand.


Still seeking an 18″ chainsaw, or access to one.


Please ensure that Thrown Weapons is represented at the Budget discussion. I believe for 2015 I had $75 available, I would like that again for 2016, with a contingency for another possible $75 in reserve in case we need to replace the straw and need to pay retail. The initial $75 will be used to replace broken axe handles (2 from 2015) and 1 spear handle, material to build 1 new hard stand, and repair the other 2. If there is money left in the budget later in the year, I would like to have an additional spearhead made and mount it as well.


Web (8/16) (Lady Alicia du Bois)

            No written report as of Curia.

            Had a meeting with Lady Gera this weekend; will be migrating to    WordPress this quarter.

Youth Armored Combat Marshal (Lady Sara Pixie)

Not much to report for Dec. Hosted a youth practice over winter break but no youth attended other then my daughter Kat.

Canton of Porte de l’Eau (Baroness Aleksandra Lavrovna)

            No written report as of Curia.

            No December meeting (folks were out of town for holidays); but will have             a meeting later this month.

            In the process of putting together a demo to be held at Marymoor Park      May 14. May will be a very busy month!!

            Also having a monthly A&S day.