Barony of Madrone
Minutes for August 11, 2014
Attendees: 31
Baron and Baroness: Sergeants Trials are coming up; beautiful site, probably have great weather. Big deal – hope to see you all there! Everyone should bring a friend. Gera’s been doing an awesome job – camp mistress for many events – just rolling from one to another event. Are camping together as barony – send Gera an email if you want to camp!
Events – Close out –
v Baronial Banquet – Steven Desjardin – all receipts have been turned in. Site deposit refund came in. Final paperwork was turned in after the last meeting.
v May Crown- closed out last month
v Peasants Revel – 91 attendees, 60 stayed for dinner, covered costs trough donations.
Events – In Process –
v N. Sound Sergeantry Trials & Sable Rose Equestrian Tournament, August 22 – 24, 2014. Alicia du Bois. The Sergeantry Trials are only two weeks away! Location: Stanwood/Camano Community Fairgrounds, 6431 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292.
This is an easy day-trip from Madrone and we’d love to see everyone there.
Activities planned:
Sergeantry Trials: This is an excellent way to learn more about what a seargeant is!
Heavy Tourney: Sponsored by Madrone (Prize offered by Pembroke Historical)
Thrown Weapons Competition
Sable Rose Equestrian Tournament
York Rounds Archery Tournament
Pas d’Arms Rapier Tournament
There is limited camping space available, including for RVs. please let Alicia du Bois know ASAP if you are planning to camp and need space.
Stefan – on behalf of Alicia – need lots of help with Gate. There’s Equestrian gate and people gate.
v Emprise of the Black Lion – September 12-14, 2014 – Guillaume de Garrigues – I have cards! Please come grab. Printed by Temetgen – real block print – very cool. Can stamp and mail to people. Invite 15c enthusiasts! Give them 2 – one for them, one for their best friend. Main tourneys are on Sat. Set up Fri Tear down Sunday. Saturday night activities – Stefan – party – a lot of fun last year! Planning to do in infield this year – set up a bunch of big torches – kegs of Silverleaf Ale – queen who loves to dance – setting up tables. Thank you for the awesome food last year! Heavy Champ will be done at Emprise – pas d’armes. Tentatively will have archery championship again. Guillaume will talk with Tymme. Sunday – a super mega practice with heavy and rapier – archery field will still be set up. Will do a prize tourney for heavy, rapier and archery. No site fee for Sunday. Very informal – don’t have to come in garb. Definitely dress up on Saturday. Guillaume – general schedule overview – Sat a.m. archery start at 9:30 with York Procession at 10 am. Will switch up equestrian games – jousting first at 11 am. Pas d’armes and remainder of equestrian games 1 pm and later. Q – who are the judges?! Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol (yay!). Gordon Frye from Dragon’s Laire. Mistress Anne-Marie d’Ailleurs. Master Charles de Bourbon. Stefan – Charles de Bourbon is founding Baron of Axmoor. Also have an equestrian practice this Sat 1 pm in Maple Valley – authorize for ground crew! See the tourney format up close and personal. Can also authorize as Ground Crew at September Crown. Will have practice at Reber Ranch on Sept 6, the weekend before the Emprise.
v Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship – Emma la rousse d’Argentan – Feb 7, 2015 penciled in on church’s calendar.
v Marymoor Demo 2015 – Landinn de Marest – I have been wrangling with Marymoor. Will be calling them next week.
Events – New –
Other New Business –
Officer positions accepting applications:
o Social Media Officer – has been advertised – Stefan – M-G will be re-writing this. Esp wrt to managing the email lists. You do not need to be able to manage the email lists if you’re interested. There has been some discussion that the manager of the list should go under some officer position, maybe webminister. Please send us emails or post comments re same. Any questions?
- Family Activities Coordinator –
- Chronicler –
- Exchequer –
- Webmistress – expires this month – M-G will post JD and solicit offers etc.
- Mary Grace is looking for deputy
Old Business
• Summer cloaks – Landinn –sent email to people helping with initial work to ask them if they can bring pieces to the next Social
Reports from Officers, Subgroups & Guilds
• Seneschal (2/16) –
• Exchequer (1/15) – Julian – Nothing to report. I will have the bank balances at Curia.
Financial Committee: Since it appears we have no other business to discuss, we can meet Monday before Curia to review and sign the 2nd Quarter report.
Balances for checking and saving as of end of July were reported.
I am stepping down at the end of this year – want decision for my replacement to be made at October meeting so I have time to train, as I was trained.
At September Crown, new site fee policy, asked Etiennette to clarify: Etiennette: Kingdom Financial Committee — all children at age of majority and below are to attend for free. Up to Baronies to decide to follow suit.
Julian – make this proposal now for our Barony.
Will post on the email list for further discussion.
Etiennette – have to have this in the financial policy, if you are comp’ing anyone.
Stefan – change must be done with approval of majority of financial committee.
• Archery – Shadhra
The range is open and well-lit until late.
We are shooting Mondays from 5:30pm.
We have 3-5 people every week.
No injuries or concerns.
We took equipment up to Seagirt this past weekend to display at their Viking Demo.
Thanks to everyone who lent me pieces.
• Arts & Sciences (4/15) – Katryne MacKim, Gallant Madrone
Events Concluded: Peasant’s Revel, but no A & S activities at this one
Upcoming events/Classes: August Classes will be held for creating Crest for the Emprise. A contest for display purposes only. There will be two categories, populous vote and one from the Ladies of the Gallery
Serjeantry Trials— there will be three Candidates participating in the trials, and will have their A & S Displays there; including a Courtier candidate. will be searching for judges shortly.
Emprise of the Black Lion, will have a contest for Display of Crests, based on the Treatise of Rene of Anjou. Working with Mistress Kerij-e to make sure this in the spirit of the Emprise
Requests for assistance: one from Rik, asking for sewing classes. Which I am planning to ask for in September/October.
Dancing report from HL Ranulf Mirthe: Dancing continues at socials with Great participation. Ranulf has been absolutely wonderful. We are working on musicians for the Serjeantry trials for dancing.
• Chamberlain (4/14) –
• Chatelaine (6/16) –
Bergdis – Welcome to Madrone,
I am still getting more familiar with the Meetup Group, and getting information from Landinn.
This past month we had 1 email inquiry to the Barony. We had a new person post on Facebook, and get a very helpful response from the Barony. We had a new person at the Fight Practice. Of past new contacts, some have continued to participate, and others may not have made the planned contact. I am trying to track them all, so I can do later follow-up. The Meet-up group has a number of new members whose SCA contact status I have not yet verified. The Meet-up group is not just for Madrone, so some new members may be looking to participate in other branches.
I am trying to make sure that all information about activities that is available online through various social media is current and consistent. I have only gotten a few responses so far. Please remind me of all regularly scheduled activities with the Barony and Canton, official or not. For each regular activity, please let me know if newcomers are welcome to drop in any time, if newcomers are welcome when you are notified in advance, and what I may make publicly available online about the activities. I will also be asking who in your group I can send newcomers to for more information, so please clarify that.
• Chronicler (9/13) – Emma – minutes were taken and distributed for review. My term ends next month. Minutes were posted to the website.
• Family Activities Coordinator –
• Herald (6/16) – Matilda Stoyle – Greetings, Madrone!
Fewer in-person consultations have taken place this last month; I’ve been to fewer social gatherings due to some mundane issues. (What is it with heralds and car problems?)
Instructions for filling out name and heraldic device registration forms — including the address you should mail them to — are here on the An Tir Heralds website:
If you send in a submission, please let me know (either in person or via email) so that I can keep an eye on its progress through the registration process. Also so I can check them against the quarterly submissions report.
Remember that the upcoming Emprise of the Black Lion has many opportunities for heraldry and pageantry. Bring your banners and display them! Volunteer to announce the most puissant and noble competitors!
• Lists – Ro – nothing happening recently.
• Knight Marshal (5/15) – Greetings all, fighting continues no injuries and waivers get signed. We continue to fluctuate with our turnout. In armor, 6-12 fighters. Last Wednesday, if you hadn’t heard, was an epic fighter practice with at least 35 armored fighters signed in. Thank you, Master Sean.
• Rapier (12/15) – Renzo – Fighting continues uninterrupted; Sean & Emma have been instrumental in getting the waivers signed; no injuries or incidents have occurred; attendance has been sluggish, excepting the third Wednesday when a number of travelling attendees coordinated their visits to wish Caius off. Would welcome ideas for stirring up Wednesday attendance. Week before last had a huge turnout – had coordinated fighters from all over the kingdom 20-30 fencers!
• Scribe (6/16) – Rignach of Argyll –
Scribal Night
Date & Time: The scribal night happened the first Monday. Twelve people were in attendance. Discussion was had about holding a second night on the third Monday. Site to be determined. NOTE: The first Monday of September is the last day of September Crown. Do we want to cancel September Scriptorium? The Baron and Baroness have offered their home for the third Monday of the month Scribal Night. Shall we do this instead of the first Monday?
Location: The location was good, some discussion of moving it to a larger place, but need will depend on attendance growing and finding a brighter venue.
Charters: Handed out charters for painting. Both Kingdom and Baronial. Kingdom Charters are due back on Monday Aug 11.
Office Materials:
I still do not have all the Scribal Office things. Outstanding are:
Baronial Charter Scroll for framing (Sara) – to be collected on Aug 11.
Pan for melting wax (Maedha)
More paint colors. Some tubes in the kit are getting stiff and will be off in the next couple months.
Black wax melting/pouring pot (using coke can for now)
Class: Two classes happened in August. I guess to make up for lack of class last month! One class on pouring seals by Sara the Brave and the other class on basic painting of charters by Rignach.
July Goals:
Reprint Charter Original Art for Masters (partially complete – two remaining)
Get the Awards list from Excellencies for upcoming charter needs (outstanding)
Pick up Kingdom Charters at coronation for distribution at August meeting (complete)
August Goals:
Finish new charter designs for new awards (three new, four duplicate)
Prepare awards for Sergeant Trials and Emprise
Find teacher for September class
Finish thank you scrolls
Find artists to help with original scrolls (need six)
• Thrown Weapons – Klaufi – Stefan – looking for a chainsaw (Raphael – have two if we’re learning how to throw them). Discussion.
• Web (8/14) – Ginevra –
• Youth Armored Combat (____) – Sarah Pixie – No practice, no workshops and no event for me in July due to mundane life. Lots planned to Aug. Workshops, YAC at Wyewood champions, etc. Latest – plan is to hold workshop at our new house the same Saturday as September Crown. August 30.
• Culinary – Ysolt Tayler of Windhill – Hail Madrone,
The Culinary Guild is alive and well. Our Business meeting was 8/6 in Renton and was filled with many lively discussions and great food!
We had 91 attendees at Peasants, and 60 of those stayed for dinner. Donations more than covered our costs again. We had thought we might need to raise the dinner fee for next year but are re-evaluating.
We are having 2 reconstructions this month, the 14th and 18th, more details to be sent to the email lists shortly. 14th Century food! No Video night this month due to September Crown.
Guild members are planning to be at the second social this month with our replenished stock of cookbooks, and will be available to discuss strategies for dealing with the food limitations of crossing the border.
Culinary Cat Herder in Chief
Had active discussion re Peasants at last meeting to address heat. May be making some changes.
• Dance – see above under Arts & Sciences
• Equestrian –
Mistress Kerij-e – Greetings to the Baron and Baroness Madrone, the populace of Madrone, members of the equestrian guild, and the most honorable Kingdom Equestrian Officer, please accept this as my monthly report for August, 2014.
The Madrone Equestrian guild met last month and was well attended. Minutes were posted on the guild website.
Join us for our next meeting on Thursday, August 28, 2014 at AFK Elixir & Eatery in Renton at 7 p.m. Agenda will be posted at the guild website. (Note: Due to the really slow service, I suggest that you order as soon as you get there, or contact someone in the guild to order for you if you will be late. Food is great, but service is slow!)
There was no practice in July. Join us for our next practice on Saturday, August 16, 2014 in Maple Valley, WA. We will be practicing the games for the Emprise and trying out a new counter tilt. This will also be an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in either ground crewing or heralding at the Emprise to become familiar with the horse activities.
There was a well-attended work party. The white tilt and most of the game equipment were painted. Over 200 foam tips were made for jousting. There will be a follow up work party for the Emprise at Roguehaven – 6301 308th Avenue SE, Preston, WA. 425-222-7639 from 10 to whenever. Lunch provided. Wear clothes for painting!
I am and always shall be your servant.
Work party on Sunday to complete some painting. In Preston. Everyone invited to Guild Meeting.
• Pewter – Sean – has been happening – keep ordering more as we keep running out. 3rd Tuesday of the month at my house.
- Sewing Guild – Stefan – talked with Bobbie this pm – allowing Guild to go inactive until we have people interested in reviving it. If anyone’s interested, talk with us.
• Canton of Porte de l’Eau – Tayla – had a meeting last Friday. Site fee policy is in our financial policy. Gave autocrats ability to decide themselves. Lots of folks at fighter practice No A&S this week as it is right up against Crown.
• College of St. Bunstable – asleep. Dormant!
Please forward FB event for Emprise
3rd Monday at Baron’s house for Scribal in place of 1st Monday
1st Monday at Alicia’s house and 3rd at the BnB’s
Etiennette – trying to choose style for Crowns – please let the Crown know how you feel about the crowns. Got 26 comments back. Online commentary is having technical difficulties. Please send in comments. has the following email address: as well as one other – see the bottom of that page and click on the links.
In future, please stand up and introduce yourself as we go through reports during Curia in future meeting.
Meeting closed.
Submitted by
Emma la rousse d’Argentan
Chronicler, Madrone