Barony of Madrone
Curia Minutes
July 8, 2013
Attendees: 25
Convened at approximately 7:20 pm
Baron and Baroness – Elisabeth – glad everyone who went off to far south lands last weekend is back safe. Looking forward to hearing stories. Have July Coronation coming up. Baronial pavilion will be there – will send home with Heilyn. As always, it is the living room for the barony – everyone is welcome. Will have a brief meeting for Ithra but you can hang out while that’s happening. Have put in for eric space. Haven’t heard back yet but I will check back with her shortly.
I hope everyone is participating in the Baronial polling. If having problems getting things to populate, send an email directly to the Crown.
Other news – we have Baronial chairs en route (yay!) They are the same design as Cire and my personal chairs but have black seats and back rests have nice chip carvings of Baronial arms. And maybe we’ll get to sit in them ….
We have a little over 2 months to go now. We want to thank everyone who stood by the Barony the last 3 years. We’ve just been going from strength to strength.
Cire – In theory we’re supposed to hear back from the Crown re the new Baron and Baroness around Coronation. We will want to start involving them in decision-making processes. Elisabeth – not to mention the transfer of the Baronial stuff! We have two sergeantry candidates who are ready to present her petition to us. Lady Kate needs to be involved in this process as well. It is possible that we may need to have a 10 minute court at Social next week or at Coronation.
Events – Close out
May Crown – May 17-19, 2013 – Rowenna – official gate count was 877 people (almost 300 more than expected). Official income $16,554. Total expense $5,109.60. Came in under budget. 33 RV fees passed thru – so official expenses are actually $4,700. Have deposit coming back from site so officially done. Pewter for Heilyn is included in stuff from Sean, yes. Thank you thank you again for all the awesome support from the barony.
Thank you Lianor for all the great work on the merchants. Reggie has expressed displeasure re al the stuff being left in our areas to the site. She is working on getting our deposit check back. They are taking out RV fee and giving back the rest of it.
Elisabeth – I’m so very happy – freaking awesome job but also relatively new to the Event Steward job (Sarra – Ro was brand new!) Really great to see new people stepping up to the plate. Barony net is 30% of total – $3,226 is our share. Cire – More importantly, we satisified the obligation we all have to put Crown events on. That really is the payback – supporting the Kingdom. Aleksandra – and that two branches can work together.
Events – In Process
Peasant’s Revel – July 14, 2013 – Etiennette – Bergdis apologies – she’s out sick. Peasants is on Sunday. [Cries of “dirt! dirt! dirt! and …. royal!”] There will be cheese! Usual games of course and the wondrous peasant stew lunch. We tested bread and it was really good – a rye. Bring your best peasants garb and we’ll have a prize. Start around 11-12. Google Maps show us in the park last year. Remember re road closures this weekend (520 and 405 in Bellevue).
Sound Unity Tourney – Aug 2-4, 2013 – Aleksandra – flyers went to Honey War. Trying to find someone to run a Phred. Elisabeth – Shahdra sent a request out, we should hear back soon. We have a great site – lots of room. Still open times to do *all the things.* Getting site rent check tonight. Aleksandra– do we want to do a sergeantry thing? Elisabeth – Laurellen is checking the calendar.
Emprise of the Black Lion – Sept 13-15, 2013 – Enzio – equine insurance form and Crier copy have gone in. Another meeting Thursday at Guillaume’s house. Things are proceeding as planned.
Events – New/Future/Other
Baronial A&S –
Baronial Banquet, 2014 – Date has been changed on Kingdom calendar and courtesy email sent to Midhaven. Tayla – having very active discussion on Culinary Guild page re middle eastern food. Have fixed on source material. We need to do a bid, need an Event Steward. Anne Rose – got same site for the same price. Masonic Lodge. Great kitchen! Culinary reconstruction TH night where we will be playing with some of that food.
Sarra – July Coronation – I talked with autocrats/gate people for this event – I have not volunteered the Barony without talking with you however I did talk with them re whether they want a group for Friday night gate and they were very excited. They also need people to run parking, if we’re sick of running Gate. Tayla – has given the Gate Head the Madrone gate procedure so they’re going to run it that way. So its a system that we’re familiar with. Sarra – easy to run etc. Will send out an email tonight to recruit for Gate. Or you can comment on Facebook.
Other New Business
Officer positions:
Archery – still open, however Shadhra has indicated she will take it if we can’t find anyone else.
Herald – Basil has been selected as new Red Tree Herald.
Baronial Selection – Polling is now open. Link is on Madrone website and will be hitting the lists again tomorrow as a reminder. If you have any problems using the link, please contact Baron James (his email is on the home page of the poll).
Summer cloaks – Landinn – please approve for up to approx 105 for Baronial summer weight cloaks. Have gotten the rest of the linen donated. She will provide receipt for reimbursement. Sewing party of Monday July 29 at Crossroads Community Center at 630 – scissors sewing mat (cutting). Will do cutting and pieces and do sewing later. Rotary cutters. Room verbal okay of proposal.
Reports from Officers, Subgroups & Guilds
Seneschal – Baronial selection going along nicely. A few questions, but no major problems appearing in the polling process. Link is now open – will send the link out again. Link is also available off of the front page on the Madrone website. If have any problems using that link, please contact Baron James. His email is there on the home page when click the link. Please if at all possible use the polling form. Using email skews the return percentage and that could cause a problem later. Was hoping to hear return figures today but I haven’t heard from him yet.
Only big thing on my plate is the Baronial selection and its going along nicely. 261 populace count for Madrone as of July 1.
Exchequer – Julian – Not much to report this month. June’s been pretty quiet.
I’ll be closing out second quarter, so it’s time to schedule another financial committee meeting. Reminder – they are open to everyone – you are welcome to attend them. Once date is set – will send an invite to the list.
Balances were reported.
Wrote a bunch of checks.
Talked about “purchase-y: things. Have quote for hand painted silk banner for barony from Adrianna the Fierce. Must discuss prior to purchase – total 391.58. 3′ x 4′ proposal but may need to adjust up a little. “We are in an arms race ….” [groan] This is to fly on a flagpole. We will be doing the edge finish work. We can fix it as a gonfannon or as a flag. Silk makes it double-sided. Elisabeth has a silk banner – it folds down very small which is really great. Lady Miurghean of Bristol has made a banner pole for the Barony already. Need a portable hole and we’re all good. Room verbal vote in favor of banner. Elisabeth to discuss final dimensions etc with Adrianna. Ok’d something up to 10% over the original estimate above. Per Exchequer – this will be recorded as an increase in regalia budget – gives the 10%.
Archery – Office open. Shadhra may take it.
Arts & Sciences – no report.
Chamberlain – Karrel – Stuff from May Crown is back now.
Chatelaine – Landinn – there was no Social in June as there was a meet and greet for the Baronial candidates, although we did have one newcomer attend. I received 13 email inquiries in June. We have 102 members on the Meetup Group
Chronicler – Emma – minutes of the 6-10-13 Curia were taken and distributed. Transcripts of both Baronial Candidate Q&As were taken and posted on the website (thanks Ginevra!).
Herald – Have applicant – Basil. Yay!! [Paperwork was done later in the evening.]
Lists – Rowenna – I have officially nothing to report for lists. 🙂
Marshal – Sean – Fighting continues, (sort of) no injuries, waivers get signed. The armored combat practice has been real hit and miss the last month, because of events. At practice we were approached by KIRO TV to do a segment on us. The night that they wanted to do it was July 3rd, which we told them that it would be a very poorly attended because of ATWW and wanted to liaise with K media officer. So if we do work out a date with them I would like to get as many of the fighters as possible to attend. (and hopefully we’ll get enough notice when they want to do it, so we can have a good turn out).
Rapier – Enzio – Fighting continues, no injures, people sign waivers. We are still getting good turn out on the rapier side of the practice. As the Knight Marshal reported there was contact made with KIRO, I am still looking into information on what we need to do with the media relations officer. I would also like to look for replacement for myself, I would like to step down sometime in the future.
Scribe – Sarra – the July Scriptorium was held, per usual, on the 1st Tuesday of the month. There were four of us in attendance, including the Royal Scribe who came up to paint and collect charters for use at ATWW. This was another “all painting all the time” gathering. Annisa also came and worked with some goose quills. There are a few more in process for Crown. Designs in process for new Royals. As soon as we know new Baron and Baroness will have discussion re new designs. Turned in 23 at May Faire. Between us and Glymm Mere got Royal Scribe through next 3 or 4 events. Turn in 6 more last Tuesday and will have more to turn in on Friday night at Coronation. There are plans afoot for a “color” class in the near future and I’ve had multiple requests for another calligraphy class. Stay tuned. Classes upcoming sometime in the near future.
As always: I try to have painting happen once or twice a month at PdL’s Friday Night Fighter Practice. Watch your emails for notification. Also, with the new Reign & soon-to-be new Baron & Baroness, we will need charter designs for both Kingdom & Barony. Let me know if this interests you!
Web – Ginevra – the website continues with no issues that I’m aware of. (Please send me bugs if you find them.)
A link to the Baronial Polling site is currently found on the homepage , and again under “Baronial Changeover.” Baronial candidate Q & A transcripts are also found under Baronial Changeover.
I received one report of difficulty using the Baronial Polling form, but I have no control over that site. Forwarding that information to Aleksandra..
Culinary – Bergdis – the Culinary Guild continues to meet and plan and research and cook and eat. Peasant’s Revel is 7/14/13. Master Edward the Stuffy is the Event Steward. We plan to provide food for Porte de l’Eau’s Ermine Cross Bardic, 9/28/13. We are looking toward the next Baronial Banquet, and would like to change our planned date to 4/26/14. We will resolve on an Event Steward later.
Dance – Trahearn – here’s the dance guild report for 2013. We didn’t have a dance social in May (social canceled for May Crown prep) or June (meet the candidates) so we’re looking forward to dancing again in July!
In June I attended and taught at the Known World Dance Symposium in the East Kingdom, so I’ll have some fun new dances to share over the next few months at socials and events. This week I’m at the Madison Early Music Festival, where I’ll be performing with Anna Mansbridge with music played by Piffaro.
Equestrian – Ynsesn Ongge Xong Kerij-e – the last practice was well attended with 5 horses and 7 riders. There is no July practice due to event conflicts. Our next practice on Saturday, August 24, 2013 in Maple Valley, WA . No injuries or incidents. I was unable to attend the last meeting due to family commitments and have not seen the notes. Our next meeting on Thursday, July 25, 2013 in Bellevue, WA. Two horses and four members of the guild attended An Tir West War. Sir Rapheal was the EMIC. A Madrone horses bore the king to join his army, took her Majesty to inspect the troops. Finally, they bore the king and queen proudly into final court. Madrone riders also acted as outwalkers. Sir Rapheal and Bourdain represented An Tir for the War Point challenge, which was a neutral point. The guild sponsored a Joust training class, taught by HL Guillaume and Mistress Anissa. Sir Rapheal and I participated. We also created a challenge course and tried out the 3 size pigs proposed scoring for Emprise and the knocking heads with quintain lance. Both worked well, and I am recommending for inclusion. Planning continues for the Emprise of the Black Lion – HL Guillaume is the Equestrian liaison ( They will report separately.
Pewterers – no report.
Sewing – no report.
Porte de l’Eau – Anne Rose – Ermine Cross flyers have been posted and reservations will go up shortly. There is a website.
Officer changeovers – Anne Rose will be seneschal. Ysolt is A&S Minister. Morgan of Bristol has stated interest in becoming herald. Need chatelaine – Heinrich needs to step down due to mundane obligations. Heilyn is still MOS and Exchequer. Will start to look for Exchequer soon since his warrant was extended by a year. Fighter practice continues Friday night – have a Social that happens in conjunction with same – look at Armored combat shcedule on PDL website.
There’s also possible official archery on Friday nights. Still working out the kinks on that.
St. Bunstable – Matilda will be go-between to get College property back to B to hang on to. Will go dark for a while.
Adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Submitted by Emma la rousse d’Argentan