Curia Minutes 2013-06

Barony of Madrone

Curia Minutes

June 10, 2013


28 people in attendance


Baron & Baroness – Elisabeth – hi!  Nice to see everyone – we survived the great undertaking of May Crown.  Great time.  Very cool.  Yay team!  Fabulous event.  There’s still one award to pass on from May Crown so please keep quiet about it.  It was nice to see a lot of people over at June Faire. 


We want to establish a youth award for those 17 and under – accomplishment in any area.  Leadership, expertise, energy.  Archery, YAC, making toast.  General awesomeness.  It has a registrable name!  Thank you Basil for your assistance for this.  Order of the Penoncel.  “It leads but its very small” – a penoncel is one of the smallest flags there is. 


We really need to have a Baronial Court.  Discussed having a mini one at the July Social.  Will have one at Sound Unity.  Please recommend people for awards. 


Very pleased that their royal highnesses are being crowned in July and a number of Madronans will be part of retinue.


Bunnies did have an event on Memorial Day weekend and had a good time. Angharad is graduating at the end of winter quarter and if something doesn’t change dramatically the college may have to go into abeyance.  There was apparently quite a lot of St. Bunstable property unearthed and turned over to them recently.  Elisabeth talked to them about returning it to the Barony so that when the college gets resurrected the students can have it back.  Several St. Bunstable-ite’s have job prospects in the Seattle area and are looking forward to joining the Barony. 


We are enjoying being farmers.  Have an ingenious solution to the eagle problem.  May have chickens that are not eagle chow.


Events – Close Out


May Crown – May 17-19 –  Sarra and Rowena.  Thank you so much to everyone who came and worked. Our crew was so awesome – everyone who volunteered came and did their job and a little more.  Had 877 people through Gate.  Biggest May Crown in years (maybe a decade?).  More than 5-6 years.  Much money will be made by all.  Have a rough estimate – missing 1 recieipt but as of now, $16609 income, expense of  $5100, approx total profit $10920 – 60% to kingdom and 10% to Vulcanfeldt – $3275 approx for Madrone.  We came in under budget!   Elisabeth – you guys are good!  So cool!  [General applause.]  Only managed to physically break 2 people on the crew.  Elisabeth – thank you again for doing such a fabulous job.  Really made some good points for Madrone.  Made the whole barony look great.  Didn’t really have court – just had a little thank you thing.  Sarra and Ro had presents given to them. Also passed on gifts to their Excellencies of Vulcanfeldt.  Also, they said “ no problem, come back any time”.  Showed that cooperative events between baronies can work. 


Events – In Process


Peasant’s Revel – July 14 – Bergdis – Sunday – will have cheese.  Its going to be peasants revel.  Lots of games, sit around with your friends in the sun. 


Sound Unity Tourney – Aug 2-4 – Aleksandra – Crier copy is in.  Initial website copy is live, and the map is fixed on the Kingdom calendar so we’re no longer having the event somewhere on the east coast.  [Yay!]  Flyers went up at June Faire.  Email invites have been sent to all area branches, as well as talking to some of them in person at June Faire.    


I need to identify a new MIC as Heilyn will not be able to do it after all.  Stephen Desjardin volunteered.  Will encourage local Laurels to resuscitate a phred.  Nice for competition-phobic people. Just talk about your stuff.  And a first one happened at a South Sound Unity.  Arontius wants to do something similar for proteges.  Sergeantry involvement at South Sound – thinking of sponsoring a gathering for all sergeants that wish to arrive from all and sundry An Tir groups.  If anyone else wants to sponsor competitions or various other things – maybe something Culinary??  Used to do a lot of siege cooking things at South Sound.  Iron Needle?  Have a blazon smack-down? 


Emprise of the Black Lion – Sept 13-15 – Enzio – still happening – had meeting last TH – will continue to have them 1st Thursday of the month – still filling out key staff positions – handing out nice printed invites for judges.  Everything’s proceeding apace.


Events – New/Future


Baronial Banquet – April 26, 2014 [new date] – Bergdis – a new date was requested as the site was not available on the date originally suggested.  The guild has requested that the date be changed to April 26 (from  April 12 – site was not available.)  This will put us up against a Youth Althing Midhaven event, but as both events are going on as level 2 we don’t have to have permission to conflict.  Aleksandra will be courteously notifying them so they know we tried our best to not conflict with them. 


Other New Business


Officer positions  – Aleksandra

Archery – still open, however Shadhra has indicated she will take it if we can’t find anyone else. 

Herald – Evrard has announced his intent to step down and the open position has been announced.  The application period will remain open until 6/21.  Have 1 applicant.


Baronial Selection – Aleksandra – the first candidate forum was held last Friday night at the Porte de l’Eau practice/social.  We had some excellent questions and I’d like to thank Bergdis again very much for helping with this by collecting the questions, combining them into coherent form and moderating. 


The last one will be held on Thursday, June 20, at the Baronial Social. 


Per the Crown, polling will be via an e-poll.  Baron James is setting the poll up to run July 1 – 12.  Officers and sergeants, if you live outside the Barony’s official zip codes, please let me know so I can get you on the exception list.  (I think I have everyone now.)


Reports from Officers, Subgroups & Guilds


Seneschal –  Baronial selection going along nicely. 


Lots of new info from the May Crown meeting:


There is a new Kingdom Youth officer  (Lady Mericke de Ross) and a bunch of new info on how youth activities need to be managed and a new Youth program implementing Society-wide (mentors/patches – Boy Scout model) – SCA youth and family achievement, to try to keep kids 5-16 engaged with their parents.  Some slight adjustments to the wording on the two-deep rule and a new requirement that the Branch Seneschal must now have a background check. 


There is also a new Kingdom guild reporting deputy.  I will be sending her contact info to our guild heads so they can clarify directly with her what reporting she actually is going to be collecting.  Maybe quarterly?  Wants branch guilds, too, now.  Under K A&S minister. 


Fire performers will be severely restricted at SCA events.  The event has to have permission directly from the Society Seneschal and a special insurance waiver.


Kingdom Seneschal is suggesting that we start using the wording “member discount” rather than adding NMS. However, gate sheets would need to be revised. 


Marijuana at events – the wording provided by the Kingdom Seneschal must be in all site copy in Washington state (get wording from Aleksandra if you have an event coming up).  However, use common sense, we are not policing people and will only be dealing with obvious violations or if there are complaints. 


Administrative Retreat, Sept 27-29 in Lacey. $80 includes lodging and food and can be paid by the branch for the seneschal and exchequer.  (I has sad, this is the same weekend as Ermine Cross .…)  Julian has spoken to Master Owen who has volunteered to step into Julian’s usual role. 


Exchequer – Julian – not a lot to report.  Spent a lot of time at gate at Crown.  Deposited lots of money afterwards.  Probably 4 times so there was sooo much, sooo much….  Bank statements for end of May are not here so no balances but will take care of that asap.


Sarra – made about $125-145 from selling site tokens.  They were buttons!  We still have receipts coming from Vulcanfeldt for biffies and other stuff.  We’ll be paying for stuff over the course for the next few weeks.  Etiennette – 30 days to pay NMS. Pay rest to Kingdom within the first quarter. Sarra – have about 85 of the square tokens left (made by Heilyn).  Sean has Ismenia’s button mold if anyone wants more. 


Archery –   Archery near the Ikea in Renton (the Wyewood practice) continues on Wednesdays from 4pm-7pm and on Saturdays from 10am-1pm. 


Shadhra is having practices at her house on Monday evenings.


Heilyn is also having archery practice at his house with the heavy practice, but it is necessary to bring a marshal with you, as the other available marshals are fighting heavy. There are also a fair number of children running around, so some additional care should be taken.


Shadhra has mentioned that she would be willing to become the barony’s archery marshal if other candidates were not forthcoming.


Landinn – has a newcomer who is trying to set up a Thrown Weapons practice. Has already gotten him in contact with Shadhra. 


Arts & Sciences – Katryne


Switch over confirmed. it is official that Katryne Mackim is now the A & S Minister for the barony of Madrone.


Events concluded:  May Crown went off very well, I am very grateful to Mistress Madrun for all of her displays and classes.


Madrone participation in June Faire was wonderful:  Baroness Saewyen demonstrated card weaving, (oh my it was pretty trim) with the result to be the prize for the Squire’s Tournament at July Coronation.  All those planning to enter should really want this gorgeous trim.  Kate MacKim demonstrated Kumihimo braiding in the same tent as Saewyn, with Mistress Esclarmonde and her wonderful fingerloop braiding demo.  All three were very successful.


Upcoming events/classes:  due to the on going Baronial Candidate meet and greets, classes are on hold for now at the Social but there are plans to schedule more as the summer progresses.  Suggestions are welcome as to what people want to see.  South Sound Unity revival is coming as is the Emprise of the Black Lion.  Hopefully, I will have more to report about A&S at these events shortly.


Projects:  new Baronial summer weight cloaks are being undertaken to replace the heavy weight wool ones currently in usage.  The Chatelaine and the head of the Sewing Guild have undertaken this project.  New baronial banners: commission from a Gentle of Madrone is pending, cannot wait to see the result.


Chamberlain  – Karrel – not here but was very busy at May Crown.  The items are still in Heilyn’s barn and need to make their way back to storage.  Sarra has a key to the storage locker. Their excellencies have the Baronial pavilion that went to June Faire.  Elisabeth – It has holes in the ceiling.  Maybe look at replacing in the next couple of years.  It was not new in 99.  Probably time to start looking at a new one.  Janelyn and Trahearn era purchase?  Sounds right.  30YC was its first event. 


Chatelaine – Landinn – 4 email inquiries; 94 MeetUp Group members; Social: 21 adults, 1 youth, 3 children. 


Chronicler – Emma – Minutes for May Curia meeting were completed and distributed.  

Two issues of the newsletter have been posted on the Chronicler’s page on the baronial website (thanks Ginevra!).  May 2013 Part 3 covers Dec 2012 – Mar 2013.  May 2013 Part 2 covers Sept. 2012 – Nov. 2012. 


News from recent events was solicited and provided on our Facebook page and will be incorporated into the next issue of the Leaf.  The deadline for material for the next Leaf which will cover April – June of 2013 is June 30.  Estimated date of release for same is July 14.  The Leaf covering June – Aug of 2012 is estimated to be issued by the end of this month. 


Herald – Evrard – no report. 


Lists –  Rowena –  Lists is still a little on the quiet side this year.  No activities within the Barony but I continue to fill in at lists as I event.  At June Faire this year I got the opportunity to keep lists for the YAC tournaments.  It was my first go at assisting with the smalls and I have to say it was quite the experience.  There might not be anything cuter than 6 year olds making glorious deaths on the field.  🙂

Marshal – new marshall – yay!  Sean –  Fighting continues, no injuries, wavers get signed.  I now have the loaner gear and Marshal staff, so if anyone needs to borrow gear (or knows if new folks that need to) please contact me ahead of time.


Rapier –  Enzio – Fighting continues. No Injuries. Waivers are signed.  We still have a robust turnout for rapier every week.  All three tournaments at May Crown were a success.  The Save a Rhino charity tourney at may crown raised over 1100 dollars, which well surpassed HRM’s goal off 300.

I would also like to congratulate Christopher Stanley, a mainstay of our practice, who was admitted to the Order of the White Scarf on the Saturday of June Faire.


Scribe –  Sarra – The June Scriptorium was held, per usual, on the 1st Tuesday of the month. There were six of us in attendance, including four new scribes!!  This was another “all painting all the time” gathering.


I have a very few Kingdom Charters, which must be turned in to me by the July Scriptorium.

There are plans afoot for a “color” class in the near future and I’ve had multiple requests for another calligraphy class. Stay tuned.


As always:  I try to have painting happen once or twice a month at Porte de l’Eau’s Friday Night Fighter Practice. Watch your emails for notification.


Also, with the new reign & soon-to-be new Baron & Baroness, we will need charter designs for both Kingdom & Barony. Let me know if this interests you!


Lots of Kingdom charters turned in and handed out.  50 charters.  Once we figure out who’ll be the next B&B we will do new charters.


Webmistress – Ginevra – the website seems to be working well. Updates continue. Please continue to send update requests.  Aleksandra – New webmistress  has been very prompt.  Send suggestions on what to put up.  Sarra – got many compliments on May Crown website. 




Culinary –  Bergdis – the Culinary Guild continues to meet and plan and research and cook and eat.  Peasant’s Revel is 7/14/13. Master Edward the Stuffy is the Event Steward.  We plan to provide food for Porte de l’Eau’s Ermine Cross Bardic, 9/28/13.


We are looking toward the next Baronial Banquet, and would like to change our planned date to 4/26/14. We will resolve on an Event Steward later.


Equestrian – Johannes – had  vote on new guild head and steward.  Kerij-e is new guild head.  Kerij-e – many thanks to Lord Johannes Dehn for his faithful service and leadership in this past year.  Lady Rignach of Argylle continues to be our Steward.  Thanks to her as well for her continued service, as well.  We will have monthly 6/15 practice and will be testing some new games for Emprise.  Last month’s was unofficial since no senior marshall was there.  6/27 next meeting.  Working on some projects and Emprise.  Raphael is Sr. EMIC for An Tir -West, Guillaume for Emprise.  So come around and participate!


Pewterers – Sean – just finished May Crown.  Equality tokens were awesome.  Alianora is communicating with me re 12th Night. 


Sewing – Johanna had to leave earlier but she took home cloaks and will take a pattern off them.  Landinn –  I have set up time to start the work on Baronial summer weight cloaks.  7/29 – 630 – 900 at the Crossroads Community Center Room.  Free of charge since we are a non-profit – will probably do cutting that night and not sewing.  Will be asking for fabric donations – will submit a petition for funds at next curia. 




Porte de l’Eau – having Ermine Cross being run by two new Event Stewards.   Ysolt Tayla of …. is kitchen head.  Are doing officer changeovers next meeting.  Anne Rose will be Seneschal.  Ysolt will be A&S Minister, Morgan Herald. Master of the Stables and Exchequer will stay the same. 


St. Bunstable – see above for report on St. Bunstable’s Day of Dance. 



Submitted by

Lady Emma la rousse d’Argentan,


Barony of Madrone