Barony of Madrone
Curia Minutes for June 11, 2012
Baron and Baroness
Elisabeth – It has been a fun-filled month already! We were glad to see so many folks at May Crown despite wind and weather. I accepted an Award of Arms on behalf of a member of the populace and plan is to present it an event soon. Please keep quiet about it until then. Vik and Astrid are the winners of Crown Tourney and come from different groups: Avacal (Vik) and Terra Pomaria (Astrid). We will be inviting both of them to attend the Emprise of the Black Lion and the Baronial Banquet. June Faire was a lot of fun. At May Crown I had a conversation with Baroness Regina of Vulkanfeldt, our next door neighbors to the east. Just as fast to get there as well as getting to Portland. Co-sponsor a Crown event? – held on their side. Like Crown: personnel support to be provided by Madrone. We also attended the St. Bunstable Protector Tourney.
Last Sunday commenced the trial for very first Lancer candidate in Madrone, Rignach of Argyll. Her Excellency invited Heinrich Wilhelm, Sergeant of Madrone to speak regarding the trials:
Heinrich Wilhelm – began trial at Katryne’s home, covered academics, seems to be going well. More parts of the trial Saturday at Equestrian Guild practice. Demonstrating speed quintains, pigs, javelin as her martial forms and she will also showing how to do a mudknot, make a whisk and cleaning a bridle. Time is 12-4 on Saturday. There will also be a bardic presentation: equestrian choreography horses will be caparisoned. Rignach’s husband wrote the music. Next Thursday at the Baronial Social the last parts of the trial will be held including court of honor and heavy list inspection. There will be a panel of invited court to ask questions. From there, the decision will be made.
Baroness – please make an attempt at garb for next Thursday.
Cire – other than disturbing news at June Faire, everything’s okay. Elisabeth – yes, we seem to have had war declared on us by the Shire of Druim Doineann. It was scurrilous. It was a surprise.
Events – Old
Day at the Manor – Rignach of Argyll – Met last Thursday and everything’s ticking over nicely. Need help with volunteers for Gate, heraldry, lists. Sign up for classes. Championships for heavy, rapier and archery.
Peasants Revel – Bergdis Thorgrimmdottir – Peasants Revel will be rescheduled as it was decided to respond in some fashion to Druim Doineann’s assertions in some way at Hot Summer Lights on July 28, the current date for Peasants Revel. Bergdis will poll the Culinary Guild regarding two other possible dates; it will either be Saturday August 11 or Sunday August 5. Currently the 11th is preferred. [Note – Peasants Revel will be taking place on August 11. Emma]
Emprise of the Black Lion – Guillaume de Garrigues – Since the last curia meeting, we have had another planning meeting that was well attended. Each activity head has communicated their needs thus far and all goes smoothly. The site contract has been turned in and deposit paid. I have a signed copy for you and a receipt for Constantia. In communication with the site they have determined that, because of the installation of their new sprinkler system, pavilions will not be permitted in the space we’ve normally had them. The event staff will be determining new site lay-out options for this year. Judges have been invited and advertisement continues.
Baronial Banquet – Held a planning meeting last Thursday. Otherwise, event status is mostly the same. Ysolt stated that there will be a kitchen visit sometime later in June and the Guild will be working on its first recipe reconstruction for the event’s menu at end of the this month.
New Events
St. Bunstable – Dawg Daze Demo – September 22
St. Bunstable – Fall Festival – October 14
His Excellency Cire has been communicating with the seneschale of St. Bunstable, Angharad Pengrych. There are two UW events that St. Bunstable wants to participate in and would like the Barony’s assistance: Fall Festival – weekend after Baronial Banquet and to do a demo in September at Dawg Daze on Saturday, September 22. They need artisans, heraldry station, sword display, garb try on station, dress form or two, board games. Discussed. Landinn de Marest – at the Chatelaine meet at Crown we talked about collegiate demos and it was noted that they are usually highly successful if provide food.
Merrymore – June 30 – Heinrich Wilhem
Going well; I have 40 plus participants including lots of fiber arts and bardic. Will have a bardic tent. There is lots of interest in having a potluck lunch in hospitality tent. 8 am set up to 4 pm tear down. There will be water and electricity. Open to public at 10 am. Need more chatelaines, voice heralds. Will have an newcomer orientation 2 weeks after on Tuesday July 17 at the Redmond library presented by Maitresse Anne Marie d’Ailleurs. Would like guild heads to be at July social July 19 with information on guilds and sign-up sheets for newbies. Baroness Elisabeth – Sergeants have also been asked to be there. Mini-tourney start at June Socials so people will be here in garb.
Grand Performing Arts Ithra – November 10 – Fearain [Note – date has been changed to November 17. Emma]
Initial proposal – got ok from facility 2 days ago for a donation of $300 they will rent us entire school. Prize tourney possibilities. Aleksandra will do date reservation. Full proposal next Curia. Bergdis – please remember Culinary Guild has a bunch of stuff – pots, pans, etc. if you need it – we’re willing to loan it. N.B. – outside Madrone and Porte de l’Eau there is a dish tax for breakage.
New Officer(s): Chatelaine – Karrel der Ermutigender – sign off on change of officer form happening tonight.
Officers needed: Exchequer really needs to find a deputy to start training. Her term ends in December & we’d rather not be scrambling at the end. HL Julian Sinclair is considering this, I talked to him about it at May Crown & will be meeting with him next week to discuss it further.
A&S would like to find a replacement. Her work schedule will continue to preclude her from doing as much as she’d like. She’s willing to continue helping.
WebMistress – new one will be Ginevra de Lucca (the artist formerly known as Coelflaed) starting in July. Miriel will be updating the website this month. Given that Ginevra’s skills nicely fit the position & our current web mistress does desire to step down, we would like to accept her application.
Reports from Officers, Subgroups & Guilds
Seneschal – Aleksandra Lavrovna – thanks to all the Madrone folk who made the trip to May Crown. We were well represented by volunteers & fighters. Thanks especially to Sir Payne’s quick reaction, no damage was done to the pavilion when a freak wind came through just as the processional was starting and no one was injured in the neighboring Seneschal’s pavilion which did come down most of the way. A huge thanks to the officers who are getting their reports in on time so I can read them & compile in time for the business meeting. We have a few folks who will be getting more direct reminders this month.
Exchequer – Constantia in der Lachun –please turn in receipts for checks already out there, please help keep the books straight for the Barony. New Chamberlain – please welcome Karrel der Ermutigender as our new Chamberlain. Gate class was taught at the Social; 4 in attendance, thank you very much for attending and hope to see you at Gate sometime soon. Please fill in and print out your “Cheque Requests” forms and turn them in early in the meeting so hat things can keep moving along during the Curia meeting. . Working on Autocrat – Event Steward- document- budget/pre event reports & bids/reservations & gate/reconciliation/ report (almost complete). Still looking for a deputy to start training…just a thought, help the Barony. Balance reported.
Arts & Sciences – Anne Marie d’Ailleurs – life again conspires to keep me from attending the meeting this week. I continue to seek a replacement, or at least a deputy that can make business meetings! Arts continue in the barony, no injuries. Many Madrone folks attended JuneFaire and helped with the demos, including our beloved baroness. I also saw Madrone denizens at the several arts venues at May Crown. Go Madrone! Arts classes of varied sorts continue at the socials, as well as guild meetings, scribal nights, project nights, sewing guild, etc. Classes are planned at the Day at The Manor event, as well as rumors of a bardic Ithra in the fall.
Chamberlain – Karrel de Ermutigender – changing over tonight.
Chatelaine – Landinn de Marest – In May we had 4 email inquiries. There were 6 children, 1 youth, and 26 adults at the Social. I created a new Meetup Group: where I am listing meetings and events that are open (Social, practices, JuneFaire, the Marymoor Demo, etc.) and have had good luck with it.
We had a Chatelaine meeting at Crown Tournament and discussed some different ways to continue to attract and grow groups, especially college groups and more rural populations. Putting all free events up on Meetup
Chronicler – Emma la rousse d’Argentan– the newest issue of the Leaf is complete and I am working on posting and distribution. It includes reports on A&S, Ermine Cross, St. Bunstable’s Protector Tourney, articles, photos, a calendar and more. The next issue will feature Rignach’s Lancer trials and general information on Madrone’s sergeantry as well as event reports and more. It is planned for issue in mid-August. I am always looking for material-please contact me.
Lists – Rowena d’Ath-Fhirdia – Lists have been quiet within our borders but busy in the Kingdom at large. I was fortunate enough to assist with Lists both days at May Crown (Crown Tourney and Squires) and Saturday at June Faire. Have had a wonderful time working other List Keepers of An Tir as well as trading resources. Our Kingdom Lists page is a bit lacking in forms so I’ve been sharing the files I’ve compiled from previous Madrone Lists and other Kingdom Lists websites as well. I hope to work with my Kindom Officer to update the Lists page in the coming months.
Heavy Marshal – Sir Raoukinn Eyverska Starradottir – Fighting has been happening and we have a fairly steady turnout at Wednesday practices. This month will see the return of the Sheen of Eire Tourney at the monthly social on Thursday, June 21, 2012, starting at 7 pm. Come out and join us. Also, on Saturday, June 30th, Porte de l’Eau will be hosting a FREE tourney at the demo in Marymoor park by the velodrome. This should be a fun, low key event and I encourage you all to come out.
Rapier Marshall – Enzio Bandinelli – Fighting continues, no injuries, waivers are signed. We continue to have a robust turn out week after week.
Scribe – Sarra the Brave – The June Scriptorium was held, per usual, on the 1st Tuesday of the month. We had 9 in attendance, including 6 very productive painters. We had one new calligrapher/painter who found us through the new Meetup postings! Completed Kingdom Charters were returned – yey! Scroll assignments were distributed. There will be a gathering of Scribes on Sunday, June 24th. This location has no animals in residence. Scriptorium at Master Sean’s on 1st Tuesdays continues.
Web Mistress – is back from Colorado and is busy doing updates. Please send her reminders; she may have lost some emails. Changeover to new Web Mistress will be in July.
Culinary – Bergdis Thorgrimmsdottir – the Culinary Guild continues to meet and plan and research and cook and eat.
Carol is the Autocrat for Peasant’s Revel in Rogers Park, the usual location. The date is again under discussion. Final details to be announced by email. Anne-Rose is the Autocrat for Baronial Banquet, and Ysolt is the kitchen head. She is planning Elizabethan food.
Equestrian – new guild head: Johannes Dehn – riding continues, no injuries and waivers have been signed. June 16 is next practice and is set out for Lancer trial. Suggest carpooling bring chairs/food/lunch. Thursday June 20 is the next guild meeting.
Porte de l’Eau – getting ready for demo
St. Bunstable – on summer vacation but see New Events above re fall plans.
The Seneschal updated the room on other baronial, officer and guild happenings:
May Crown – volunteers – lists, herald, etc. lots of great volunteering. Rowenna and Fingol ran the Squires tourneyu – it wouldn’t have happened except for them. Thank you!
Calendar extra: June 27 – liqueur making workshop at Karrel’s. Contact him for directions. 6 pm.
Submitted June 15, 2012
Emma la rousse d’Argentan, Chronicler, Barony of Madrone