Words from Their Excellencies:
Hosted virtual event
Ynesen Ongge Xong Kerij-e is new to the Seneschal seat, changeover is complete.
Many thanks and kudos to Eden of Lionsguard for her work in that office.
Zoom account for the Barony – no new information.
Officer Reports:
Doomsday report submitted the first weekend of January. $150 to the good, with donation from PdL for which we are grateful. $350 to the good because of an accounting change.
12th Night deposit check hasn’t cleared.
Social Media:
3 people added to social media. The HL Basilius did 12th night messaging support.
Waiver sec’y:
Sara is looking for replacement.
Family activities deputy:
No herald report.
No scribe report.
Stephen Desjardin is looking for a replacement. Kingdom has instituted a new baronial regalia tracking system.
Existing business:
An Tir Ethereal 12th night 2021 wrap up
Virtual Athenaeum 2021
(hopefully in-person) Twelfth Night 2022
2021 Budget finalization
Adding a donation button to the Baronial Webpage.
$150+ was received due to Port D’Leau sharing money. Thanks to Margaret and Isolde for turning in hours to Microsoft. Exchequer made a modification to clear off a 2019 expense that was already dealt with.
Bank balance as of 12/31/20:
[redacted] check
[redacted] money market
Exchequer reimbursed the website hosting payment for 2021. 12th Night deposit check has been sent, has not cleared yet, hotel is technically closed so a delay is not surprising.
Social media: 3 people added to the website, Basilius assisted with Ethereal 12th Night
Open offices: Looking for a waiver deputy and family activities deputy
Chamberlain: Warrant is up, looking for a replacement. Kingdom has created a baronial regalia tracking system.
Herald: No report submitted.
Scribe: Warrant is expired, unsure whether she is looking for a replacement -per Enzio she originally committed to cover their entire reign.
Marshal: One heavy kit and one fencing kit were donated for loaner gear.
Chatelaine: Nothing to report
Gold Key: Margaret still has the garb
Chronicler: nothing to report
Webminister: Small adjustments to the site. Contingency deputy for seneschal? Currently Eden
Arts and Sciences: Nothing to report.
Culinary guild: Continuing social activities via Zoom, video nights for social
Equestrian Guild: Mistress Annisa stepped up as Guild head. No meetings but personal training still occurring.
12th Night 2021: Success! High attendance, good feedback, problems were addressed. Very many thank-yous. Report will be shared – no cost, over $275 in donations, over $100 in kingdom funds from selling merchandise for the event. Themed salons were very popular, may reproduce at in-person 12th Night. Court was very popular, lots of positive feedback about ability to hear what was said. “Drunken” Zoom wassailing was enjoyable, good use of the online lag to create ambiance.
Road to Atheneum – June: working on how to do another online event. Online events give a different type of energy, lots of people are hitting Zoom fatigue. The idea of having a series of Athenaeum events may cause Zoom fatigue and then low attendance. Looking to have one longer event to allow for more conversation. Laurels will be able to display this time, event will be 2 days. Salons may be longer due to popularity. Will keep the existing exhibitors’ group due to so much good info in the group and just add new people for this year. No budget, most of the online structure already exists. May do Royal Court – plan to pre-record so that internet tech issues can be minimized. Shall we invite other branches to hold court? Probably not – just Madrone and Royal. Concerns about having the exhibiting Laurels part of the artisans’ group – have had issues in the past due to non-Laurels feeling intimidated by the Laurels and therefore not willing to be as open.
Should we streamline the process for approving online events? Still some benefit to keeping the extended timeline to allow for input. Still need to fill out the Kingdom calendar form.
Champions’: Still on hold due to Covid.
Peasant’s Revel: Still on hold due to Covid, the Culinary Guild feels prepared to do this event on short notice if it is ok’d
Emprise of the Black Lion: Will put in a bid and do preliminary planning in case it is ok’d, will wait to approach site owner until we have a better idea of whether it can happen
Baronial Banquet: with a date in October, too early to really plan, don’t know if sites will even discuss rentals right now.
12th Night 2022: did not submit a new bid since we still have right of first refusal. Did talk to DoubleTree about new contract – they reduced our cost to accommodate us. Will open the room block reservations after Feb 5. Shall we have a temp-check station and a health waiver? Existing waiver covers infectious disease. Can we require masks and/or vaccination? Yes, if clearly communicated and equally applied but likely to cause social push-back. What will be our protocol for hygiene post-Covid?
Their Excellencies are considering what they can do regarding baronial court remotely. Please submit award recommendations.