Category Archives: Vox Populi

“voice of the people” this section is for news about Baronial Happenings

The Crown of An Tir appoints Mistress Spike Zoetart and Don Enzio Bandinelli as the Baroness and Baron of Madrone.

Hail Madrone! It is our pleasure and privilege to announce that Their Majesties have selected Mistress Spike Zoetart and Don Enzio Bandinelli as Baron and Baroness of our fair Barony of Madrone. They will be invested with all due ceremony at the Emprise of the Black Lion on Saturday, September 24. We commend Sir Athos … Continue reading The Crown of An Tir appoints Mistress Spike Zoetart and Don Enzio Bandinelli as the Baroness and Baron of Madrone.