Date: Dec 7, 2024
Time: 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm
Site closes: 9:00 pm
Site: St. Andrews Lutheran Church,
2650 184th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA

For the most current official information about this event on the Kingdom Calendar, click here.
The Canton of Porte de l’Eau and the Barony of Madrone welcome our friends to enjoy a day of games, music and dance in celebration of the Yuletide season, with a potluck feast in the evening. Wear your fine indoor garb to this event, and bring your feast gear: cup, plate, bowl, spoon, fork, napkin.
Artisans vying for A&S Champion of the Barony of Madrone will show off their finest creations.
We will have a bread baking competition, sponsored by the incipient Bread Bakers of An Tir Guild! Bring a large loaf, or two small ones, or 12 rolls to participate. After judging, the bread will be eaten at feast!
We will have tables for games, scribal arts and socializing.
A space will be reserved for the Lion’s Share Free Market – bring the extra garb, feast gear and other SCA-appropriate items you no longer have use for, for others that may have use of them. We just ask you to pick up the items that remain when the space closes down for feast.
Dance instruction and a bardic performance will take place in an adjoining space. Scroll to the bottom of the page for dance info.
Noon: Doors Open
Noon: Lions Share Free Market tables open
12:30 pm – Dance Instruction Begins
3:00 pm – Set up the Hall for Court
4:00 pm – Court
After Court – Set up for Dinner
After Court – Lions Share Free Market tables close – retrieve any remaining items you brought
4:30 – 5:55 pm – Dinner, followed by reset the hall for dancing
6:00 pm – Ball with dancing & musicians
8:00 pm – Event ends and clean-up begins
Attendee Info
There will be a hospitality table of snacks and warm beverages for all to partake of, with coordinated Potluck for dinner. Bring battery-powered candles for ambiance, and your feast gear. (Cup, plate, bowl, spoon, fork, napkin.) Optional but nice, bring a colorful tablecloth.
There will be no dishwashing of your feast gear, especially not in the restrooms.
This event is free, but donations are welcome.
The site is Accessible, with a ramp from the parking lot and an internal elevator. No weapons are permitted, including belt knives and rattan swords. No alcoholic beverages, no open flames. Thank you for respecting the policies of this organization.
Event Steward: HL Rowena Jade of the Lion Isles
Meal Information for the Potluck Feast
Cooking Challenge
“I dare you to make me medieval!”
Dare: Bring a dish that represents the country of your persona.
Double Dare: Bring a dish made from a historical recipe.
Double Dog Dare: Bring a dish that is both historical and from your persona’s country (Prizes will be awarded to anyone who participates in any of the dares)
Please bring a list of ingredients to be displayed by your contribution.
To sign up, please go to
- We will have power strips for crock pots or insta-pot operations
- We will have extra serving platters available
- We will provide hot drinks – Tea, Coffee, Cider, Hot Cocoa
Dance Classes Offered
The Canton of Porte de l’Eau is hosting a Day of Dance as part of our Good Yule Event.
Your day as a dancer will be spent learning and practicing a variety of dances, drawn from a variety of period sources. Some will be familiar friends of our local dance community; others will be taught for the first time at Day of Dance this year. Our program for 2024 is designed to be accessible to new and beginning dancers, so this is a great time to try out dancing!
Teaching Schedule
- 12:30 PM
- Labonetta
- Petit Riense
- 1:00 PM
- Gresley TBD
- Casulle la Nouelle
- 1:30 PM
- Villanella
- 2:00 PM
- Castellana
- 2:30 PM
- Gathering Peascods
- Merry Merry Milkmaids
More information: