Arts & Sciences Champion and Bardic Arts Champion

Please note that Their Excellencies a would prefer that championship candidates not be champion of the same discipline in any other branch, as they believe such opportunities should be shared, not stacked. If you have an unusual circumstance, please speak with them.

Support Bardic Arts in Madrone as Champion

Instead of a bardic competition, Barun Christopher and Barunin Gera are requesting a public statement of intent from interested Bardic Championship candidates, briefly describing their bardic pursuits and stating how they would promote and support the bardic arts in Madrone.

This statement of intent can be in writing, via video, through a public announcement at the event, or other creative option. The deadline for this statement of intent is 12pm on the day of Rogue’s Tavern, February 8, 2025.

We also invite candidates to share a bardic performance at Rogue Tavern, not as a competition, but for the candidates’ pleasure and the education of our populace.

A champion’s rewards: fabulous regalia, a place in our Baronial court, a captive audience for classes and demos, much word-fame, and our support as patron and promoter for your broader bardic endeavors.

Responsibilities of the champion: please don’t lose the fabulous regalia, and do show up for our baronial court at Madrone events. We also ask that you support the bardic arts in Madrone: teach, either in person or online; organize and host occasional bardic activities or socials, and encourage and mentor other bards of the Barony.

Support Arts & Sciences Activities in Madrone

Instead of an Arts and Sciences competition, Barun Christopher and Barunin Gera are requesting a public statement of intent from interested Arts and Sciences Champion candidates, briefly describing their A&S background and stating how they would promote and support arts and sciences in Madrone.

This statement of intent can be in writing, via video, through a public announcement at the event, or other creative option. The deadline for this statement of intent is 12pm on the day of Rogue’s Tavern, February 8, 2025. The candidate must be present at afternoon court to be selected as champion.

We also invite candidates to display some of their work at Rogue Tavern, not as a competition, but for the candidates’ pleasure and the education of our populace.

A champion’s rewards: fabulous regalia, a place in our Baronial court, a captive audience for classes and demos, much word-fame, and our support as patron and promoter for your broader A&S endeavors.

Responsibilities of the champion: please don’t lose the fabulous regalia, and do show up for our baronial court at Madrone events. We also ask that you support the arts and sciences in Madrone: teach, either in person or online; organize and host occasional A&S activities or socials, and encourage and mentor other artisans/craftspeople.