Notes of 2/27/2018
Baron & Baroness: Attending: 12th night, Feast of St Bubba, Madrone A&S, Baroness War. Her Excellency encourages Madrone to come to Baroness War and support the barony!
Seneschal: Thanks to Gera. Need a chatelaine, and need an exchequer in May.
Exchequer report:
Pass the hat. This site is not free.
Checking: 9,873.80
Money market: 15,130.64
New updated Financial and PayPal policy. Financial committee meeting is needed. We’re holding off on bank signature card updates until new exchequer. Clarification: Kapka Social space does not cost in addition to gym rental. Underwriting the new $50 curia spot through donations.
Mar 24/Baronial A&S (Guillaume): March 24th, Magnolia Lutheran Church. Registration is open for dinner with Sarra the Brave ($10 gate, $10 dinner). Would like volunteers for set-up, dishes during the meal prep, and after dinner, please contact Madelena. Still encouraging entrants for both championships (letter of intent to B&B by March 11). Looking for non-competitive displays/performances. There will be dancing, practice available this Thursday at Trahaern’s.
June 16/Baronial Champions & Demo (Juana): We don’t need permits. Parking should be fine. Need fighters! No youth championship. Jeri will bring popups; someone else will arrange weights. Enzio has a plan for Eric rope plan.
June 30/Atheneum (Alianora): New budget, and a different date. June 30, 2018. North Seattle College, it’s a large site and we’d be using their main cafeteria space which is adjacent to parking lot. New, updated, pretty, with courtyard. Estimated attendees = 150. Site fee will be $15; it’s a preregistered event. We’ve extended hours for more time for setup and teardown. No named insurance required; banquet permit will be acquired. People can bring lunches to the site. Can we publicize this at Kingdom A&S? Yes! C&C will roll out this weekend as a big deal. The big item at this event is that it’s arts focused but not a competition.
Jul 14/Peasants’ Revel (Ysolt): day in the park, soup dinner, sheep waiver, no court, no budget. There will be rolling cheese.
Sep 28-30/Emprise (Gera and Guillaume): EIF, info scroll, invites to judges this week, and Temetgen will print invitations for us again. We’ll proceed with planning other items.
Nov 3/Baronial Banquet (Etiennette): we still have the date at Scottish Rite. Ann-Mary will autocrat. Price isn’t changing. Two desserts inc. a cantaloupe torte. Pork and chicken for main course. 1650 French, and decoration plans are afoot. Twentieth anniversary of Enzio’s SCA membership; 30th of Etiennette and Kit’s.
Demo question (Keri-je): Fall City Days, June 9. Can we do a demo in this parade as well as a popup display? Horses would be awesome. Spike would be delighted and would enjoy this, and we’d like to do this. Length is six blocks. There are a lot of kids in the audience.
PDL: socials once a month. Business meeting last night.
A&S: judges and entrants for A&S. Have five potential competitors.
Chamberlain: we have stuff.
Chatelaine: need an app. Need to check on meet up page status.
Chronicler: Nick will put stuff on FB and Madrone. They’re looking at additional presence on Pinterest and Instagram. We have an instagram site. What are social media requirements through corporate? Publish Instagram to FB.
Herald: badge inquiries, at Bubba’s he covered for Wyewood herald who couldn’t make it.
Rapier: still also happens.
Webster: Chronicler is front end, webster is back end. We’ve been invited to move to for email and web hosting; please see seneschal if you’re interested.
Culinary guild: has a new website on the platform. Doing reconstructions but may not do so next month because of A&S requirements. They have been promised a new mailing list. Could they do displays at Champions, Atheneum?
Dance: moving baronial practice to 2nd Monday social.
Equestrian: snowed out of Feb practice.